Men desværre er intet af dette blevet bevist gennem klagen, hvilket indikerer, at dine udtalelser forbliver ubeviste. Det er pointen. Jeg er ikke i tvivl om, at du tror på det, du siger, så jeg tager det som din mening. På den anden side skal brugeranmeldelser have tillid til for at bevare deres værdi intakt.
"Spilleren fra Rusland havde klaget over, at kasinoet havde blokeret hans konto og konfiskeret 75 euro efter at have krævet en KYC-procedure på trods af, at deres politik ikke sagde en sådan procedure for kryptospillere. Han hævdede, at de havde bestemt hans begrænsede landestatus ud fra hans kørekort og blokeret hans konto. Spilleren havde registreret sin konto for seks måneder siden ved hjælp af en VPN og havde angivet et russisk telefonnummer. Han havde også udtrykt bekymring for legitimiteten af kasinoets licens ved at få adgang til webstedet fra et begrænset land ved hjælp af en VPN. Derfor kunne vi ikke argumentere til fordel for hans midler, og klagen blev afvist."
Som enhver kan se, er det de samme punkter, som du bliver ved med at gentage her på forummet og siger, at kasinoet løj. 🤷♂️
Yet sadly nothing of that has been proved through the complaint, which indicates your statements remain unproven. That's the point. I have no doubt you believe in what you say, so I take that as your opinion. On the other hand, user reviews need to be trusted in order to keep their value intact.
"The player from Russia had complained that the casino had blocked his account and confiscated 75 euros after requiring a KYC procedure despite their policy stating no such procedure for crypto players. He claimed that they had determined his restricted country status from his driver's license and blocked his account. The player had registered his account six months ago using a VPN and had indicated a Russian phone number. He had also raised concerns about the legitimacy of the casino's license. However, we found that the player had violated the casino's terms and conditions by accessing the website from a restricted country using a VPN. Therefore, we could not argue in his favor for the return of his funds and the complaint was rejected."
As anyone can see, these are the very same points you keep repeating here on the forum, saying the casino lied. 🤷♂️
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