Hm, så nærmer det sig den nævnte deadline. Men jeg vil gerne vide, hvad der er casinoets problem med din adresse, eller hvilken grund det har til ikke at acceptere dette dokument? Det er trist, når en spiller kommer i sådan en situation, hvor man siger, at man ikke har vundet noget. Hvis sagen varer mere end 14 dage og intet flytter sig inden da, vil jeg anbefale dig at indgive en klage her:
Med hensyn til ikke at spille på kasinoet længere, så bebrejder jeg dig ikke, hvis jeg skal være ærlig, og jeg ville nok vælge et casino, hvor lignende problemer ikke er opstået.
Jeg synes dog bestemt, at det altid er godt at se på brugeranmeldelser eller klager, for det er ægte spilleres oplevelser og kan hjælpe dig i din beslutningstagning, når du skal vælge et nyt casino. Indtil videre er der næsten intet om dette casino, men jeg kan se, at hvad angår klager, så har spilleren et lignende problem som dig.
Anyway, hvis du finder ud af nye oplysninger, så lad os det vide.
Jeg håber, at din situation bliver løst, og at du i sidste ende vil være tilfreds.
Hm, so it's getting close to the mentioned deadline. But I would like to know what is the casino's problem with your address, or what reason it has for not accepting this document ? It's sad when a player gets into a situation like this, where you say that you haven't won anything. If the case lasts more than 14 days and nothing moves before then, I would recommend you to file a complaint here:
As for not playing at the casino anymore, I don't blame you if I'm honest and I'd probably choose a casino where similar problems haven't occurred.
However, I definitely think it's always good to look at user reviews or complaints, because these are real experiences of players and could help you in your decision making when choosing a new casino. So far, there is almost nothing about this casino, but I can see that as far as complaints are concerned, the player is dealing with a similar problem as you.
Anyway, If you find out any new information, let us know.
I hope your situation will be resolved and you will be satisfied in the end.
Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
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