HjemForumCasinoerLucky Circus Casino – generel debat

Lucky Circus Casino – generel debat

 af CasinoStreamer88
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Lucky Circus Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Meget vellykket casino efter min mening.

Generelt synes jeg, at Dama. NV kasinoer er normalt meget pålidelige!

Jeg elsker det 🫡

Jeg håber, at du alle har det godt kære Daniel, længe ikke set🫡

Er Radka stadig hos Casino Guru?

Venlig hilsen

Automatisk oversættelse:

We're glad you're enjoying the casino and that everything is as it should be. 

Of course Radka is still a part of the team and she will surely get to you. 

Hope you are enjoying yourself and doing well. 🙂

It’s always a bit of a thrill to discover new ones that live up to the hype! It's been a while since I’ve caught up with Daniel and Radka. Hope they’re both doing great! Looking forward to more discussions here. 


And we look forward to reading your posts, always.

If you have any new experiences with this casino, please share them at any time.😉

Hej alle sammen, jeg har et spørgsmål - måske nogen kender mine erfaringer eller har oplevet noget lignende i dette casino. Jeg har spillet i dette casino i omkring 6 måneder og har været i stand til at foretage regelmæssige ind- og udbetalinger. Uden større problemer...og pludselig forsøger jeg at logge ind og får beskeden "min konto er blevet deaktiveret"...da jeg spurgte live support efter et par minutter, fik jeg først svaret "det er en ledelsesbeslutning og jeg vil ikke få yderligere information"...selv efter at have spurgt flere gange, fik jeg ikke noget svar fra casinoet på hvorfor min konto blev blokeret...har du nogen idé om hvad der kunne være galt?? Jeg havde ikke en udbetaling i gang, og jeg gjorde heller ikke noget anderledes, når jeg spillede end før...Jeg kan virkelig ikke forklare det og vil bare gerne vide, hvad jeg gjorde forkert..

Automatisk oversættelse:


This is precisely why I have a hard time understanding why casinos use just the phrase management decision without at least a basic hint. in my opinion, your honest interest in knowing what you may have done wrongly proves this is not the best way to close someone's account.

If I may present my experiences, such quick cuts take place when the player has been "found guilty" of fraud.

It is not unusual for casinos under such circumstances to completely evade any explanation; therefore, providing explanation results in questions, and answering questions would lead to revealing the system by which casinos detect fraudsters.

Has any money been voided? I hope not!

Did you also get engaged in sports betting, perhaps?

I just want you to know that it may also be a completely different situation, and I fear we will never find out unless the casino tells the reason.

Jeg foretog en betaling via EPS, og der opstod en fejl ved slutningen af ​​transaktionen. I hvert fald blev pengene trukket på kontoen, men de nåede ikke frem til modtageren (hvilket burde være sket med det samme).

200 € file

Intet svar. Chat.. eller e-mail.. sjovt..

Automatisk oversættelse:

This must really be frustrating to you, and I see that your complaint is already looked at by our team.

I hope that the casino support will be able to trace the payment, especially if everything went okay at your bank.

Do you have any updates by any chance?

Hi I've played this casino able times i enjoyed it but when it comes to withdrawl its been brutal the 1st time I withdrawled I had to fight for my winnings I did get it eventually and it was due to documents ect okay so now I'm varified decide to deposit again thinking I'll be okay since I was varified I play many sites and this last withdrawl has been the worse yet. I won't on jan3 and never got my winnings I won fairly on real money waited a bit nothing so I looked Into it literally got sent on a wild goose chase for last month and half support is all over the place with responses telling me the same thing over n over long story short its been a nightmare... to me one of the worse it should not be like this when it was approved an then nothing... it's very phishy I am still sitting here without my withdrawal and being told it was sent to me but my banks told me there is no withdrawl transaction sent and they neee to resend it the casino just keeps saying the same to prove it which I have many times nothings changed I'm so sick of repeating myself that after q month and some of fighting ive given up which sucks cause it was my winnings fair and square that I did not get but being told I did ... the last was they wanted a transaction number from my banks what how do I get that if my banks literally said there was no transition which there wasn't???? ... it's been so bizarre cause ive never had issues like this and yah no did not get it... ive got nowhere and I've tried everyday and sent them everything they asked for to be in same spot as i was in the the beginning n im disappointed...I could have used this money many times and I think at this rate I'm not going to get it. So frustrated same answers even tho I've showed the proof and explained over n over so for me 0 starz all around for this casino in my options beware !!!

Redigeret af forfatter

From what you write in your post, I can understand that you are going in circles with this casino and nothing has happened for a long time now. Right?

So, I would like to suggest you file a complaint here so our specialists can investigate the situation and hopefully get to its resolution soon.

What do you say?

All you need to do is to file a complaint here, and then hopefully we'll be able to get in touch with the casino and get some explanation about all this.

Please let us know if you're up for it.

Indlæg af calhouncrystal538 er blevet slettet
Indlæg af calhouncrystal538 er blevet slettet

Excuse me, what are you discussing?

Although it appears that you are reacting to the other player's conversation, the second post is rather difficult to comprehend. Maybe you write down your speech using a tool. I would appreciate it if you would just keep writing instead.

I really care to understand your concern and spotted a similar issue in your complaint, by the way. Use punctuation properly at least, please.

Hej, for mig var dette en af ​​de værste ting, jeg har oplevet til dato.

Verifikation, jeg har også mine kort, identitet etc. og beskeden om, at kontoen er verificeret. Af og til tjekker de det, og alt var rødt, inklusive mine kredit- og betalingskort.

OK - jeg spurgte support 1 x 2 x 3 x - ikke ét svar på et simpelt spørgsmål. Hvis jeg læser resten her, så kan jeg kun RÅDE alle til ikke at gamble væk selv en euro her. Forresten, cashback - når du bliver spurgt - selvfølgelig - intet svar. Indtil videre har jeg fundet 2 velrenommerede og fair casinoer... hvis nogen vil vide hvad det er, må du meget gerne skrive til mig, jeg ved ikke om jeg kan give det videre her

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

And were you able to pass the verification at the end, though? Do you still have any remaining balance in your account, perhaps?

We're here to help if you need us to.

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