HjemForumCasinoerMostbet account was frozen

Mostbet account was frozen

 af kumarcwin72
3.756 visninger 7 svar |

My account was frozen while i was trying to Withdraw money from my gaming account. How will i unfreeze my account.


Hello, I see you already submitted the complaint, what is good. Please follow Kristina's instructions now, I think it's the best what you can do now. Some times they block the account due to verification process. Btw, was your account already fully verified? I noticed you haven't answered this question in your complaint. Thank you and keep us informed.

Redigeret af forfatter

God dag,

Jeg vil gerne spørge....Jeg tilmeldte mig mostbet i dag - jeg satte 8000 der gradvist, jeg har 7400 på min konto, og da jeg ville hæve det, begyndte det...efter et stykke tid stoppede jeg med at satse (begrænset væddemål) osv...), er valget ikke muligt på grund af manglende verifikation af telefonnummeret, hvor de ikke sender mig valideringssms gentagne gange, og siger at jeg skal aktivere det hos operatøren og lignende sludder, så jeg allerede søgte og et par minutter senere opdagede jeg denne side... .CS er enten en bot eller det forekommer mig, at der er en eller anden stædig Tartar, som sikkert bruges af oversætteren og alt i stil med ctrl c..v, Jeg vil helt sikkert gerne have det fra dem, hvordan blev der af nogen af jer?


Automatisk oversættelse:


til spørgsmålet om, hvordan det blev, vil jeg foreslå, at du begynder at læse hovedtråden om casinoet - måske her , og derefter fokusere på brugeranmeldelser - samme side, fanen brugeranmeldelser:


Og for at forstærke helhedsindtrykket kastede hun også et blik på klagerne - her .

Det er virkelig en god idé at tjekke med operatøren om tilladelsen til at sende sms fra tredjeparter. En værre mulighed kunne være et teknisk problem på casinoets side. Desværre kan vi ikke undvære deres tekniske support der.

Hvis der ikke er en anden måde, vil casinoet ikke tilbyde en løsning, jeg vil overveje at indgive en klage – du har allerede linket.

Fortæl mig hvordan det går 🤞

Automatisk oversættelse:

My account was frozen and they want to video call me in skype. I want to if there is any danger or something and what kind of question will be asked??


Hi there!

I sense you feel quite under pressure, so perhaps sharing my experiences with video calls will help you understand why casinos want players to go through this step.

Let's start with a bit of context:

At some point, almost every player's account needs to be verified. The most usual process is called KYC verification, which literally means "Know Your Customer". Detailed requirements are stated in the casino's Terms and Conditions, involving a series of documents needed to declare your account ownership, including banking details and address confirmation.

Sometimes the KYC is just not enough or the verification uncovers some sort of link between another player's account or gaming activities; imagine that as a pattern. When this happens, casinos prefer to investigate whether each player is the person he claimed to be during the KYC process.

This is when the verification call is set up.

So, be ready to present your ID or any other official document proving your personal data. You might need that.

Most likely, you will be asked to provide further details regarding your gaming and account activities in the casino.

Be ready to describe what games you have played, what payment options you have used for deposits, which bonus you took, or even when was your account created and how many times have you withdrawn or deposited using specific methods.

As far as I remember, these are the common questions.

If I'm to guess here, the casinos needs to be certain it was you who created the account and played in the casino, so technically this is another verification step.

Anyway, have you perhaps been told why this call is necessary? I do recall a few really short calls during which the casino employee only wanted to see the ID and the person at the same place and time 🙂.

Let me know if you have further question, ok?

Regarding your video call, what date is this taking place?

Hello everyone im The player ID 212788723

At 03/12/2024 i created an account on Mostbet.com i did a deposit after that i received a pop up ( you will find all the pictures below ) i contacted the client service they told me to Contact id@mostbet.com i did and they asked for alot of documents i did send them every single one of them.

after that they told me to pike a schedule for a verification Call in Skype i did pick one it was 10/12/2024 14:00 GMT+1 the day was Today and no one called i was waiting For hours and i did contact the client service They close the ticket every time so my deposit is gone and no one can do someting ( i think its a scam company )filefilefile


May I kindly ask you to stay in the general thread where I already posted a reply to your post, please?

It is not necessary to spam our forum with the same copied posts.

Thank you for your understanding.

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