HjemForumCasinoerNomini Casino – generel debat

Nomini Casino – generel debat

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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Nomini Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Jeg har læst rigtig mange dårlige anmeldelser om dette casino på internettet. Nu venter jeg på en betaling på € 5000 hos Nomini. Jeg er bange for, at dette casino ikke vil betale mig. Er der nogen, der allerede har udbetalt et lignende beløb på dette casino?

Automatisk oversættelse:

The casino has a good reputation on our website. There were some complaints from players, but they solved most of them so I'm quite confident that you should receive your winnings 🙂 Did you win the money on a specific game or have you played more games?

Redigeret af forfatter

Hello, there are some open (plus much more solved) complaints towards this casino with the same issue as you're facing now 🙁. So, to me it seems they have some regular, big problems with withdrawals. You can check it here, if you like https://casino.guru/complaints

If you feel like it, you can submit your own complaint, we have a special team just for that.

Little advise: if you wish someone to respond to you directly here, use "reply" button, please. This means that the person will be notified about pending message 🙂

The fact that you don't get replies for days doesn't need to mean that they want to scam you. It could be simply because the casino is understaffed and they don't have enough human resources to process it faster. Especially when you claim you won a lot, it's worth to be patient.

What's the current state? Have you managed to verify the account or do they still require something else?

If you already sent it before and the address is visible there, I'd probably send it over again and say that you've already sent it before, but you send it again, because it seems they lost it.

If more time efficient than starting arguing with them and proving that you already sent it earlier and they just overlooked it.

Opmærksomhed!! Advarsel! Hvordan kan du vurdere dette casino positivt? Der er ingen hævninger. Den ene er holdt ude i uger. Så får supporten ikke engang kontakt. Det er bedrageri og underslæb. Annonce følger. Enhver, der vurderer dette casino positivt, må forvente erstatningskrav i fremtiden.

Automatisk oversættelse:

If you have any issues with this casino, you can submit a complaint on our website. There's a good chance that we might be able to help 🙂

this is just not a likely casino, scammers which I have not seen before! the support service gives incorrect information, lies at every step! it is said that the payment processing is 3 working days, the agent tells me that not 3 but 3-5 days, I ask you to send where this is indicated in the rules, he sends me and it clearly says 3 working days, filed for payment on 15.12 and nothing! people where to file a complaint / claim?


Hello, I'd like to say that during any holiday season it's normal to wait more than usual. However the staff should be honest about the reason, I think.

You can submit a complaint here: https://casino.guru/complaints

Siden 21/7 har jeg bedt om tilbagetrækning, og de bad mig kun om at være tålmodig, jeg vil gerne have dem til at løse mit problem, fordi det begyndte at genere mig, det er ikke fair.

Automatisk oversættelse:


I would not be happy either I guess.

Is there any particular problem associated with your withdrawal, I wonder?

Any ongoing verification for example - have you successfully withdrawn earlier?

In what status your withdrawal currently is, please?

Venter er min første tilbagetrækning, som jeg har anmodet om

Automatisk oversættelse:


Do you have any updates, please?

Intet endnu, så snart jeg har positive resultater, sender jeg dig straks, jeg bliver ved med at tjekke mine e-mails. Mange tak!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

That would be great.

I hope it won't take much time, of course. 🤞

Jeg ville bare vide, hvor lang tid det tager for min pix at falde? Der er gået over 24 timer og stadig ingenting!

Jeg vil have mine penge...

Automatisk oversættelse:


it should be a matter of days, I'd say. I can imagine that you may feel that Pix should be instant, but it depends on when the casino transfers the money.

Just to be sure, has your account been fully verified, please?

In what status is your withdrawal now?


Ja, det blev bekræftet, og tilbagetrækningsstatus har været afventende i dagevis, og det ankom i min e-mail, du anmodede om tilbagetrækningen.

Automatisk oversættelse:

So it seems that your withdrawal is not in the process yet. As I said the payout may seem instant but the casino must process the payment first. I'd ask the casino's live chat regularly.

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