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HjemForumCasinoerPower Casino – generel debat

Power Casino – generel debat (side 5)

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Power Casino

Pagliacci, mislykkedes (i enhver forstand). Du skal stadig give mig mine penge tilbage! Jeg nyder at du har lukket. Ærme af mentalt retarderede

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello Marquez,

did I get it correctly that your attempt to escalate the issue by contacting the licensing has failed?

I'm sorry, according to your complaint (closed as unjustified), I would be very surprised if you were successful, though.

I'm sorry, wish you only the best.


Hej nej,

du har lukket det som berettiget.

Jeg modtog 3.500 euro fra casinoet, og en meddelelse fra licenstageren om, at på grund af min klage var det endelige valg at fjerne deres spillelicens.

Så jeg vandt stort 🙂

Hellere ikke kommentere den lukkede klage fra din side, også for så bliver jeg vulgær 🙂

Automatisk oversættelse:


and congratulation. 🙂

Well, I double-checked and your complaint against the Power Casino (which I was referring to) was closed as unjustified. Kindly check this link: https://casino.guru/power-casino-player-s-account-has-not-been-blocked

file let me know if you see the same result.

If you previously commented on a different complaint, however, please do so in the proper casino thread or create a new thread in the complaint discussion section.

Thank you.

Fair enough - I will skip further comments.


Du lukkede det for mig som uberettiget. Jeg fortsatte alene med mine advokater, direkte med Gaming Curacao.

Af de 4000 spurgte tog jeg 3400 tilbage, jeg vil sige at det gik ret godt.

Hvis det havde været op til dig, ville jeg have været nødt til at overlade mine penge i hænderne på de slyngler, hvem ved, måske ville de give dig en procentdel. Jeg ved ikke.

Automatisk oversættelse:


even as we try to support players the best we can, we do not speak with the authority of any lawyer. Hence we can't use any kind of leverage, we only serve as the mediator.

Thank you for your update, I'm happy for you.

May I know which argument the lawyer applied to achieve this?

Hej selvfølgelig,

vi holdt kontakten med licenstageren. Vi indsendte en lavine af forskellige dokumenter til støtte for mit speciale, og licenstageren gjorde simpelthen alt efter reglerne.

kasinoer er forpligtet til at lukke kontoen STRAKS, hvis der er et spilproblem involveret. 2/3 dages tid, som du tillader, tolereres ikke. Licenshaveren har bestemt, at online casinoer skal være klar og effektive, når det kommer til gambling.

Så det tog halvanden måned, men det lykkedes os at få to meget tilfredsstillende resultater hjem.

Vi kan være meget tilfredse.

Automatisk oversættelse:


I must say that I'm positively surprised! Thank you.

I suggest that the first satisfying result would be that you gained a portion of your lost deposits, right?

Wandering about the second, though. The fact that the licensing authority cooperates and solved the matter, maybe?


Hej, kan du venligst fortælle mig, hvilken licenshaver du ansøgte til? Jeg kontaktede curacao-egaming.com, og de sagde, at dette casino ikke er et af dem...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Det ser ud til, at de besluttede sig for ikke at genere og lancerede et nyt casino:


Site en til en powercasino.com

Og i sidefoden af webstedet de samme data:


så vær også forsigtig med dette casino.

Automatisk oversættelse:


thank you for your suggestion. I forwarded this information to our Data Team, we will check it out. 👍

kan du stadig kræve penge tilbage fra disse kasinoer?

Automatisk oversættelse:

I would start with the licensing authority, but I honestly do not know whether it's even possible to deal with a closed casino. Furthermore, I can't check the license details anymore, so I can't advise you further, I'm afraid.

Based on some recent complaints the casino simply stopped paying before it got closed.

So it seems like a dead end. 🙁


Hvis dette er sandt, så endte alt godt for kun én person.

andre spillere - modtog ikke deres betalinger og mistede desuden muligheden for at klage hvor som helst

på en eller anden måde uretfærdigt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I am trying to go after money that this casino owes me since it closed. Do you have any proof of their licence with Curacao?


Hello I am looking to go after their license provider. Do you have any proof of who used to be?

I would really appreciate your help


Hi, according to our system they had a valid license and as proof I attach this link: https://www.curacao-egaming.com/public-and-players/

You can also try to file a complaint here, but I do not guarantee that it will be successfully resolved. 

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck and I hope you will be able to get your winnigs.

Redigeret af forfatter

Hello i have made a withdrawal from powerup casino and have been delayed 10days and they always tell me that my withdrawal is on final stage the last 5days.


Hello, is that all the casino told you ? I would like to add that we give casinos 14 days to sort out everything they need to do around the withdrawal, so if they don't get it right you can contact us and we will try to help you. 

However, I saw that you updated your complaint a little while ago and you said that the money has arrived. Is that it and everything is resolved? 🙂

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