HjemForumCasinoerScatterhall Casino – generel debat

Scatterhall Casino – generel debat (side 69)

2 år siden af Fabi84
315.970 visninger 1.852 svar |
1...68 69 70...93
1 år siden

Heldigvis er Nernermind XD allerede nede på 2,9. I hvert fald noget

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

We were waiting until today with the rating adjustments. The casino was aware of the deadline. The current rating reflects all unresolved complaints (of course, most of them are related to the delayed pending withdrawals).

The question is if they're really delayed. The whole thing sounds like a scam to me 😕

1 år siden

Jeg håber ikke du justerer det igen, så snart du skal betale og billetterne er løst, for det burde virke løbende før vurderingen stiger igen

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Ja, det faktum, at der kun er én betalingsmulighed, er meget tvivlsomt!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Ja desværre.

Men det nævnte vi allerede for 4-5 måneder siden.

Desværre er det de færreste, der læser her, før de tilmelder sig der 😔

Desværre er det sådan denne verden fungerer.

Mange penge kan også købe frihed.

Bestikkelse her bestikkelse der og se alt er vidunderligt 😂😜

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

100 % af tiden åbner de nye casinoer, fordi penge smager bedre end noget andet.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Så jeg skal også blande mig i denne klovnehistorie. Han skriver "Biancaen" fra Scatterhall den blev sendt til mig i dag og lukker chatten bagefter. Så jeg er tilbage i supporten og ser der igen "Bianca" og så skrev jeg, hvordan kan det være, at de fortæller mig, at det blev overført i dag, men jeg afventer stadig, og jeg kan annullere betalingen? Hun sagde så meget frækt, at hun ikke ville have sagt det 😀 heldigvis tog jeg et screenshot af det. Derefter blev der sagt ja det var en tastefejl 😀 filefilefile Slut på historien bliver den videresendt for 15. gang haha

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Casinoguru are just as much to blame here.

They are affiliates so would of taken a cut of your sign up and losses. They mark new casinos as 'fresh' yet somehow justify giving them a rating of above 7. Psychologically they know what that does to a player, it makes us think they must be safe or safe enough.

Sure caisnoguru will phane faux empathy to all of us for a while, even act like they are on our side. But trust me, casinoguru, askgamblers etc etc all know how to spot a flash in the pan casino or casino in trouble and they do nothing to warn players.

I wonder if players notice the only way casinos get blacklisted or give 0 ratings across most of these affiliate sites, always comes with the footnote 'unethical practises towards affiliates'. Casinoguru knew who was behind this casino, theyve known pocketplay was in trouble also, theyve known other casinos in the past (mostly russian pop ups).

I would encourage players to seek compensation through the courts against Casino Guru, in relation to misrepresentation under EU consumer law (e.g you buy a car from a second hand dealer, the car has not been vetted and you have an accident. The dealer is liable, not the manufacturer.)

I am taking out a court claim against casinoguru myself for their negligence regarding pocketplay.

1 år siden

udsagnet giver ingen mening....

Jeg mener, hvis jeg er bilsælger og tilbyder en ny Porsche til 20.000 euro, så kan jeg også være den bedste forhandler på grund af efterspørgslen. Hvis jeg ikke leverer, er det bedste tilbud ubrugeligt. og det er tilfældet lige her!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

skal alt vurderes dårligt, fordi folk klager?

Jeg mener, så er det kun konkurrencen, der boltrer sig her og spolerer hvert kasino....

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Din udtalelse giver meget mindre mening, fordi du svarer uden at læse.

Vil du forklare mig noget her eller hvad?

Enhver, der kan læse, har en klar fordel, hr. internetadvokat.

Jeg sagde, at de "KUNNE" være et af de bedste casinoer, hvis de ikke var, hvilket er præcis det punkt, du rejste, det er alt, der betyder noget her (udbetaling/levering) kald det, hvad du kan lide.

Du bør læse mere omhyggeligt, før du foredrager folk.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

They probably couldn’t be that big of a casino though, since the main thing that sets them apart is the crazy daily bonuses, but that’s clearly not sustainable, otherwise other casinos would be doing it as well. No other casino comes even close to the daily bonuses you see on scatterhall

1 år siden


Zeus Lightning N.V. Casinos withdrawal time is 1-5 hours maximum. You can expect to get instant payouts. That’s because the online payment system that the casino supports ensures a fraction of second-fund transactions.

Any additional delay might be due to the banking method you have chosen. With eWallets, you can expect to get the payout fasters. With bank transfers and credit/debit card transfers, it can take 3-5 days.

However, before you place your withdrawal request, you need to make sure that you have completed the KYC details and have fulfilled the wagering requirement. Almost all the methods that are available for making deposits are also available for making withdrawals. Cryptocurrency withdrawals are safe and easy.

1 år siden

Jeg er som sagt spændt på, om dette rent faktisk sker. En række gamle casinoer med ekstremt dårlige ratings render stadig rundt med en 8,2 rating.....

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Untill they fall for the same strategy again, I'd like to add. The same owner or management does not exclusively mean the "strategy" remains the same. There are exclusions, I dare to say.

Once the casino fails to pay out players, however, the rating goes down per every single submitted complaint.

I know it doesn't sound enough, but what else can we do? Especially if the licensing authority wouldn't care 🙁.

1 år siden

Jeg håber ikke du justerer det igen, så snart du skal betale og billetterne er løst, for det burde virke løbende før vurderingen stiger igen

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Don't worry. We use unresolved complaints as leverage in situations casino reaches us and asks for a better rating. You'd be surprised how often it happens, though 🙁

We do not take anything from casinos, instead, the unresolved complaints are offered to be resolved in the first place. When the casino refuses, it's over, until the management comes to ask again.

1 år siden

Ja, det faktum, at der kun er én betalingsmulighed, er meget tvivlsomt!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I must agree with you. I was quite shocked they offered just one + crypto.

1 år siden

100 % af tiden åbner de nye casinoer, fordi penge smager bedre end noget andet.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Yes, it happens very often 🤢

1 år siden

Reagerer casinoet heller ikke på dine kontaktforsøg? Eller har du en kontakt der?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Casinoguru are just as much to blame here.

They are affiliates so would of taken a cut of your sign up and losses. They mark new casinos as 'fresh' yet somehow justify giving them a rating of above 7. Psychologically they know what that does to a player, it makes us think they must be safe or safe enough.

Sure caisnoguru will phane faux empathy to all of us for a while, even act like they are on our side. But trust me, casinoguru, askgamblers etc etc all know how to spot a flash in the pan casino or casino in trouble and they do nothing to warn players.

I wonder if players notice the only way casinos get blacklisted or give 0 ratings across most of these affiliate sites, always comes with the footnote 'unethical practises towards affiliates'. Casinoguru knew who was behind this casino, theyve known pocketplay was in trouble also, theyve known other casinos in the past (mostly russian pop ups).

I would encourage players to seek compensation through the courts against Casino Guru, in relation to misrepresentation under EU consumer law (e.g you buy a car from a second hand dealer, the car has not been vetted and you have an accident. The dealer is liable, not the manufacturer.)

I am taking out a court claim against casinoguru myself for their negligence regarding pocketplay.

1 år siden

I empathize with your opinion though it's not based on solid ground.

Untill the casino decides to stop paying we are in the same position as the players. Did you know the casino is going to scam players eventually? Well, if you did, I'd love to know how you managed to know that.

We were trying to resolve the situation and informed the casino their rating will fall, so they should take immediate action. We tried.

Are we to be blamed because new casinos - unproven by time - decide to scam? I said that once, sadly, we aren't seers.

Every time something rises, it's also a kind of challenge - will it work or not? No one knows, the closes guest is a prediction.

It's easy to find a subject for such an accusation, I've seen this many times before. What remains is that no one could know for sure, but every reasonable player who takes time to check user reviews, forums, and open complaints has also a chance to make the decision.

We are not responsible for the casino's approach.

The idea of the lawsuit is quite out of hand. We are not a second car dealer and no one has signed any contract. We do not provide goods for sale. Every player playing in the casino is undergoing a risk, we intend to lower the chance you'd be scammed, but it doesn't mean if you're scammed, we're responsible.

I'm sorry your complaint was unresolved, it happens.

Anyway, did you try contacting the licensing authority as suggested? Did the company care?

You should try to bring the license provider to the court since it is closer to being in direct relation with the casino - they sell the licenses after all.

1 år siden

They probably couldn’t be that big of a casino though, since the main thing that sets them apart is the crazy daily bonuses, but that’s clearly not sustainable, otherwise other casinos would be doing it as well. No other casino comes even close to the daily bonuses you see on scatterhall

1 år siden

We inform about that in the review:

"Casino group revenues (last 4 years): Very small" - red marking 🙁

1 år siden


Fordi intet casino kan vokse med disse tilbud!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1...68 69 70...93
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