HjemForumCasinoerScatterhall Casino – generel debat

Scatterhall Casino – generel debat (side 79)

 af Fabi84
325.556 visninger 1.852 svar |
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De vidste om det den dag, de "påståede" problemer startede.

Man kan tydeligt se, at hun INGEN problemer overhovedet.

Det har NodaPay også bekræftet.

Den eneste virkelige kendsgerning er, at de er elendige .........

Automatisk oversættelse:

This is the last time I used CasinoGuru for anything. Have 6k pending in Scatterhall and Spinpirate for 2 month and the complaints are marked as status unknown and the blacklist bar is green - utter mockery!


Damn that sucks man. Maybe there’s a meaning behind all this. Like we should stop gambling. Lol


I was hoping they would at least stop this disgusting scam.

This is the last time I used CasinoGuru for anything. Have 6k pending in Scatterhall and Spinpirate for 2 month and the complaints are marked as status unknown and the blacklist bar is green - utter mockery!

We tried every channel we had back than to force the casino to deal with all those complaints. Sadly, they decided to stay silent, obviously for a simple reason - no payment will proceed.

Now it seems they lost the license. Have you noticed any steps made by the most probably"former" licensing authority to compensate players? We have not. So we tried hard to push the casino ourselves.

Just a technical detail, we do not usually blacklist casinos, instead we add warnings and update the casino review. The green bar you mentioned serves to indicate whether the casino has been blacklisted somewhere else. I'll ask the data team to check it though.

Thank's for pointing this out.

Update: No blacklist containing Scatterhall Casino was found. If you have found any, please share the source.

Thank you.


Jeg kan kun se positive ting ved det hele. Jeg vovede mig for nylig gennem Spinpirate og stod for €11.000. Men mens jeg satsede, havde jeg ikke længere rigtig nogen forbindelse til pengene, fordi jeg vidste, at jeg aldrig ville blive betalt. Så jeg spillede det hele væk, og jeg var overhovedet ligeglad.

Takket være Scatterhall og Spinpirate er mit ønske om online casinoer faldet markant, og jeg beskæftiger mig næsten ikke med emnet i øjeblikket. Tidligere kunne jeg godt lide at se streamere spille, men det er jeg heller ikke rigtig interesseret i længere.

Jeg håber, at denne fase vil vare i meget lang tid, fordi der er så mange mere fornuftige måder at investere dine penge på.

Måske er det det samme for det ene eller det andet?!?

Automatisk oversættelse:

men de havde en gyldig licens! Er der ikke noget, der kan gøres i retten med tilbagevirkende kraft? og dermed tvinge dem til at betale?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Der er ikke noget, du kan gøre ved det. Fra en tysk spillers synspunkt spiller du ulovligt online casino. Ingen advokat vil tage sig af din ulovlige forretning.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Maybe you are right 🙂


We tried every channel we had back than to force the casino to deal with all those complaints. Sadly, they decided to stay silent, obviously for a simple reason - no payment will proceed.

Now it seems they lost the license. Have you noticed any steps made by the most probably"former" licensing authority to compensate players? We have not. So we tried hard to push the casino ourselves.

Just a technical detail, we do not usually blacklist casinos, instead we add warnings and update the casino review. The green bar you mentioned serves to indicate whether the casino has been blacklisted somewhere else. I'll ask the data team to check it though.

Thank's for pointing this out.

Update: No blacklist containing Scatterhall Casino was found. If you have found any, please share the source.

Thank you.

I admit I did not know that the blacklist bar is meant for blacklist listings on other sites. Thanks for clarification.

I know what a Curacao license means. Its not worth the paper its printed on and gives you 0.0 protection against criminals like scatterhall casino management.

However, there are legit Curacao Casinos that pay their customers within minutes and will continue to do so in the future.

Exactly thats the reason why sites like CasinoGuru are important. To get the scammy ones sorted from the good ones. And I honestly think that could have been done in a more efficient way.

And that my complaints are titled "status unknown" is - I have to say that again - utter mockery. They should be dark red and should read unresolved.

The casino did not pay me my 6k in the last 2 month and they will not pay in the next 100.000.000 month. So the status of my complaints are everything BUT unknown.


Casinoguru will never be in the wrong.

They operate in a world of thieves and scoundrels and they are arguably worse then casinos as they use smoke and mirrors to claim they are ‘for the players’.

This will reset and happen 100 times over. More casinos will pop up, more people will get ripped off and casino guru will continue with their vomit inducing instagram posts banging on about sharing and collaborations with streamers and casinos being positive etc etc.

sorry for all those who lost their money.


I have seen guru community specialists outright call this casino a scam (which it is) and the rating plummeted from 7 to 3, which is usually given to horribly bad casinos or scam casinos, I know how it feels to be scammed by a casino, I have been scammed multiple times and I'm currently being scammed by a casino that voided my balance (250 USD) by turning it to bonus balance for no reason and that casino has an official rating of 7-something, but that doesn't make me point casino guru as responsible for it because I don't even take official rating into account when registering in a casino and the rating doesn't mean anything, you could register in a casino rated 9/10 and still run in trouble. Targeting a review site instead of pointing our fingers to the thieves themselves (the casinos) is a waste of time and energy. This is not the first time casinos scam users and it certainly won't be the last time, if we had to get rid of bad casinos 99% of them would dissapear, specially the ones operating from Curacao.

The only way to avoid being scammed by casinos is by simply giving up on gambling as a whole. Don't expect to find good people in such an industry, casinos want your money, that's why they exist and they will do everything possible to take it, if they can't beat you rightfully they will do it forcefully, as seen on this case where dozens of users got their funds dissapeared.

Indlæg af trudders er blevet skjult
Årsag: Another unfriendly reply. There's no space for such behavior here on the forum. Behave or leave.


Automatisk oversættelse:

Not affiliated with anyone, just an user of the forum and a player, you are mad because you got scammed and it's understandable, I have been scammed multiple times by casinos too, there is nothing to do about it, accusing random people doesn't help at all. Simply stop gambling at all and you will be fine, if you keep gambling of course you will get scammed, that's how casinos work


Flot opsummering!

Ingen kunne have forklaret det bedre!

Ikke mere at tilføje ☝🏼

Automatisk oversættelse:

Du bliver virkelig flov, det er nok.

Gå væk herfra, hvis du ikke kan lide noget af dette, NEMT.

Først talte de virkelig høfligt til dig og FLERE gange forklarede de dig høfligt og faktuelt, hvordan alt fungerer her.

Vi er alle blevet snydt, og ikke kun én gang.

Stop med konstant at fornærme folk, bare fordi du er frustreret.

Faktisk, uanset hvor meget du taler her, er der ingen, der bekymrer sig længere, og det vil du heller ikke, da du hellere vil fornærme folk, der svarede dig høfligt i starten.

CRY SILENT & Stop med at spille, når du ikke har nogen penge eller er afhængig af casinogevinster.

I et sådant tilfælde skal du IKKE spille!

Bliv ved med at komme med enhver form for kommentarer, der hævder, at vi er guru-personale, og fornærme os, selvom vores første kommentarer var meget høflige, og det på trods af, at du fornærmede os.

På et tidspunkt er det nok 🙂.

SunsetGaze forklarede alt for dig eksplicit, og det er virkelig alt, der er at sige, da han sagde alt, hvad der var at vide.

De er kasinoer, ikke isbutikker.

Vi prøver virkelig at hjælpe folk her og forsøger altid at være så høflige som muligt, men det afhænger også af personen.

Hvis du konstant fornærmer os eller kalder os løgnere, skal du ikke forvente, at de er søde mod dig.

Fra et vist tidspunkt er det ligegyldigt mere, og så er det nok. 😉

Find hobbyer og stop med at lege.

Jeg har allerede fortalt dig, at det IKKE er godt for dig.

Ved at fornærme folk, kommer dine penge heller ikke tilbage.

Og Guru-teamet er ABSOLUT IKKE ansvarlig for dit tab.

Jeg har en fornemmelse af, at du er en 11-årig pige, der har fået sin dinglende taget væk. 🙂

Slap af og stop med at behandle folk, som om de er dine dørmåtter.

Du kommer ikke langt i livet med skyld.

Du bør kigge efter hobbyer, som du har råd til og klare at blive snydt for, for det sker ikke kun for DIG 😉

Jeg ønsker dig alt det bedste, og jeg vil virkelig anbefale dig at stoppe med at spille!

Du ældes dig selv som en misbruger, der prøver at tvangsmæssigt gøre noget, bare fordi du er blevet snydt, og opfører dig nu, som om VI har snydt dig eller tvang dig til at betale penge og spille.

Du var helt alene, så hold din mund og find fejl hos dig selv, din hykler.

Lav et "Jeg vil advare spillere om kasinoer", men jeg er sikker på, at du spiller meget i andre på samme tid.

I dette forum er der altid så små børn, der altid leder efter fejl et andet sted og peger finger af dem, men bebrejder ikke sig selv, for det er så super praktisk 🤦🏻

Vokse op.

Så du mig, så jeg dig.

Du bliver behandlet, som du behandler andre.

Automatisk oversættelse:

men de havde en gyldig licens! Er der ikke noget, der kan gøres i retten med tilbagevirkende kraft? og dermed tvinge dem til at betale?

Automatisk oversættelse:

The license became "unverifiable" later. I wouldn't say it's valid. 🙁

I admit I did not know that the blacklist bar is meant for blacklist listings on other sites. Thanks for clarification.

I know what a Curacao license means. Its not worth the paper its printed on and gives you 0.0 protection against criminals like scatterhall casino management.

However, there are legit Curacao Casinos that pay their customers within minutes and will continue to do so in the future.

Exactly thats the reason why sites like CasinoGuru are important. To get the scammy ones sorted from the good ones. And I honestly think that could have been done in a more efficient way.

And that my complaints are titled "status unknown" is - I have to say that again - utter mockery. They should be dark red and should read unresolved.

The casino did not pay me my 6k in the last 2 month and they will not pay in the next 100.000.000 month. So the status of my complaints are everything BUT unknown.


No problem, I asked the data team to ensure the blacklist info was properly updated because I was quite surprised this casino has not yet been blacklisted anywhere. I was more convinced you were right.

As goes for the complaints, I'm not entirely informed about the situation, I feel it's not just as bad as it may seem because all breakpoints were added and counted towards the original rating.

I'll try to learn more and update the threat, however.

Not affiliated with anyone, just an user of the forum and a player, you are mad because you got scammed and it's understandable, I have been scammed multiple times by casinos too, there is nothing to do about it, accusing random people doesn't help at all. Simply stop gambling at all and you will be fine, if you keep gambling of course you will get scammed, that's how casinos work

Actually, she doesn't even have a complaint submitted against Scatterhall so I don't even think she got scammed by the casino. I don't even understand why she keeps posting those strange comments in this thread.

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