HjemForumCasinoerQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 120)

 af kirekin
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Lars lol he thinks we are idiots he's a bloody idiot ecogra is the independent gaming testing that by law online sites have to use to test their games for fairness nothing to do with the UK ADR disputes Lol.. So when the casino says that all games are independently tested games are random generated this is one of the main and actually the most trusted companies to verify the are not rigged. It was just odd that this person also posted to confirm that lars helped with a refund but only had 1 post at the time smh. This guy must think people are idiots

You’re the same guy as before. I know that because you can’t spell therapy lol

You were actually right. His account has been banned for breaching our policies.


have you used their contact page on the website? I filled in the form and eventually got an email back. They requested my documents which i sent over but been quiet now for two weeks.


Thanks for this.

I will go back to them.

They seem to be ignoring my emails at the minute.


They requested my ID and so now. Will see what will happen there.

Where is the company locatied?


I emailed them again but they say it was my responsibility to check terms and conditions before signing up.

I can't find a website for any of the merchants where the deposits went.

Did you contact that bank? Is it bilderlings?

I’ve had op payments too I didn’t know they were taking payments from the UK, who do I contact

Så vidt jeg ved, er Payop baseret i Canada, og de er i hælene på Payop på grund af pengespil. Det var et par sider tilbage i dette indlæg.

Jeg kan dog ud fra tidligere erfaringer med udbyderen fortælle, at de i første omgang kommunikerer, at de vil undersøge sagen osv. Så kommer de med undskyldningen, at de kun stiller platformen til rådighed. Der er ingen penge, og så stopper kommunikationen.

Og klager du til en finanstilsynsmyndighed uden for euroen, bliver du normalt ikke taget seriøst, du bliver henvist til finanstilsynet i dit eget land, men dette er ikke ansvarligt, fordi betalingstjenesten ikke er registreret i dit eget land og behandler betalingerne ulovligt. Ingen er ansvarlige 😉

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What does the payment show as on your bank statement does it say it goes to a gaming site or something suss? Mine went to a dating and escorts service infinity. Double check as this is MISCODING. Then write back to them with a copy of their own terms and conditions which clearly states that they can not except players from the UK.

I told them it is their responsibility when players from restricted countries enter their details they should by law block those players from joining their site as set out in their own terms and conditions

Also they are operating without any valid license as non is visable anywhere on their website if your funds are not returned you are going to report them to the FSCS and the Ukgc also cyber money laundering for using 3rd party merchants to obtain funds as this is highly illegal. Did they try numerous attempts to take different amounts of funds out of your account using different merchants too as that's what they did to me after 1st initial deposit luckily my bank flagged them I have had to cancel my card just check your bank account for suspicious payments

Jeg kan fortælle dig af erfaring, at banker ikke returnerer penge uden at have modtaget modtagerens forhåndsgodkendelse; de er nødt til at handle på den måde. Tænk, hvis jeg bare spurgte din bank, om de ville returnere de penge, jeg har overført til mig. Det er banklovgivningen, og de handler derefter. De giver kun noget væk, hvis det bliver beordret af myndighederne eller ved en domstolsafgørelse.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Payop sendte tre gange beløbet tilbage og en buket blomster. Svaret er over dit spørgsmål.

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I think you should leave this thread, you have no empathy for others. I understand you’re trying to give over factual information, but you are forgetting why you are on this thread in the first place. Be kind

Jeg er sød, nogle gange bare lidt sarkastisk 😉

Inden jeg skrev mit første bidrag her, læste jeg 72 sider igennem, altid de samme spørgsmål, hvis man kun læser det man gerne vil læse, så skal man ikke blive overrasket over svar som disse, nogle ting er allerede købt otte gange.

Kreditkorttilbageførsel = Med bankens velvilje er der ingen hovedløsning

SPEA-overførsel Åben banking = Næsten umuligt, med betalingstjenestens og casinoets goodwill.

Ingen betaling vil blive frigivet af en bank bare sådan på grund af det kendte problem. Hvis banken vil, vil de spørge modtageren, om de kan gøre det, ellers er der held og lykke.

I nogle tilfælde ved jeg, at banken og afsenderen af pengene laver en fortrolig aftale, så dem, der har underskrevet en sådan aftale, skal passe på med at lægge den her, hvis de har underskrevet en sådan aftale. Det samme gælder for en aftale med et casino!

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Fjenden læser med!

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I needed to hear this, thank you

Has anyone ever found a contact for Zinzipay?


Zinzipay is just a website that links ‘fake’ merchants to your casino deposit to avoid the correct merchant code.

I doubt that you will find a transaction referwnce with ZinziPay.


They are linked to Bazpay but they just ignore you and refuse to reply

Anyone got LINGOM*RED that’s the only one I can’t find anything about.

Update on my experience

All the merchants have stopped replying to my emails and there is no further communication.

After escalating my disputes with my bank, they have informed me they cannot continue with the dispute for a lack of evidence. However, they’ve offered to refund me 25% of the funds to keep the relationship with the bank. Has anyone encountered this? They say they need to abide by Mastercard schemes to initiate a chargeback, is falsifying merchant codes enough to start a chargeback? Should I email them back with the Mastercard policy and negotiate the amount?

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