HjemForumCasinoerQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 207)

 af kirekin
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Its irrelevant though as the merchant code is changed and you wouldn’t have had the goods/services from the non gambling website.

I would not mess on with these merchants and do bank directly.

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Indlæg af Howdydowdy er blevet slettet
Indlæg af Howdydowdy er blevet slettet
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How long does it take for Kasha to respond with a refund decision

Has anyone here appealed to the bank of Lithuania when Revolut did not want to do a chargeback?

There are so many questions on the form and I don't really understand what to answer in all the fields.

Here is the form if anyone could please help me?

The website is safe. Its just www.lb.lt (Bank of Lithuania)


Seems like theres 100 questions. I just wanna dispute Revolut for not going further with my Chargebacks, thats all.


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Just a little update r.e. revolut, I had some success filing chargebacks that were past 120 days, I had referred to the transactions as Gift cards with no expiry that I'm unable to use (this circumvents the 120 days if you're outside of it), otherwise chargeback as product not received (send an email first if you have a contact asking where your 'product' is and then use as your contact evidence)

However I've had a number of other chargebacks declined by Revolut as invalid despite some being the same merchants so I'm pursuing with the ombudsman for the remainder with them..

I have some others with a different bank and was hoping for some help to locate these if anyone has an idea

ZPDG lithuania

cnpcto warsaw


terramp warszawa

pxtb panevezys


Its the same here, they reject the dispute becouse of "card rules by mastercard/visa"

But i won chargeback from the exact same company before, now they reject everything.

Grotobook - Rejected (cant help in cases like this)

Getmygamekey - Rejected, same as above. (And ive won all the older Getmygamekey chargebacks, same name same company)

And they also rejected 5 luxtel transactions but the other 5 went ahead for chargeback?! Its the same company!

What are they doing.

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Same - Barclaycard refused one but the others appear ok to chargeback, although still waiting on final update.

Chase - after arguing they chargeback.

Others on here have had credit cards all sorted others rejected.

I don’t think the banks understand or care.


What was the reasons for the rejections, and what had you claimed that had happened (not received goods, fraud etc.)?


Chase wouldn't chargeback for me even with the arguing, still waiting for the FOS


De kan ikke forklare hvorfor, i stedet skriver de bare "Vi har desværre ikke ret til at bestride i sager som disse, vi skal følge retningslinjerne for Visa/Mastercard"

Men før var der ingen problemer, nu nægter de at komme videre..

Nævnte overhovedet ikke Casino eller spil, sagde, at jeg ikke fik nogen varer fra disse sider og fortalte dem, hvad de sælger, og tilknyttede også kontakt med butikkerne.. det hjalp ikke. De gentager sig kun på support, når du vil have rigtige svar.

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Automatisk oversættelse:

Do what I have done regarding chase, I'm in the process so far it's gone down the road of a scam/fraud case I'm on day 7 of the 7-10 day they quoted.

They originally quoted they can't do anything as it was gambling related. When I explain the goods and services was not received from the merchants they have went too and also the fact pixeleum and finnart.io should have been blocked anyway as they are crypto related.

Mastercard chargeback rights are not available for gambling transactions. This is because chargeback rights are only available when the purchased value or assets do not appear in the account agreed upon between the cardholder and the merchant

This is what I quoted and stated I'm eligible for a chargeback as the value or assets was not agreed by me the cardholder and the merchant.


Så mærkeligt. Og du kan ikke sætte dem i igen?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Nej det går ikke, beslutningen er endelig ifølge Revolut og så kommer de med deres undskyldninger som sædvanligt.

"Vi har gjort alt, hvad vi kan for at prøve at løse dette for dig, vi forstår, at det skal være meget arbejde"

Dette er kopieret fra den seneste chat:

Jeg forstår, hvor svært og udfordrende det kan være. Selvom vi forstår dine bekymringer, er jeg bange for, at vi ikke vil være i stand til at bestride denne debitering, da vi er forpligtet til at behandle tvister i henhold til de eksterne regler, der pålægges af kortordninger. Vær opmærksom på, at vi har undersøgt alle tilgængelige muligheder.

Da jeg forklarede, at jeg ville have et reelt svar på, hvorfor de ikke pludselig kan behandle transaktionerne, når det virkede før, gentog de sig selv.

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Indlæg af Howdydowdy er blevet slettet
Indlæg af Howdydowdy er blevet slettet

Er dette i det første trin, at det ikke fortsætter efter den første gennemgang eller senere? Hvilke varer angiver du, at du har bestilt?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Yes exactly, told em i havent got any Ebooks.

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