HjemForumCasinoerQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 238)

 af kirekin
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Awesome guys! Thank you.

Bitsent/fomiline and goriwire are the ones I am going to struggle with I think, but I have the communication which is always a reply of "get the law enforcement involved and we'll refund". So we will see! Also received DSAR from them proving all the transactions, but funny enough the casino's names aren't on them 😏


Great i got treated the same

ARN (Forbrugerklagenævnet) har godkendt min anmeldelse og videresendt den til Revolut og anmoder om at svare på den nu

Det gælder transaktioner under "Luxtel" "Getmygamekey" "Grotobook/Mydates" osv. De nægtede alle tilbageførsler inden for en time og markerede dem alle som "ugyldige", og de nægter at fortsætte, selvom jeg gjorde opmærksom på, at jeg ikke gjorde noget forkert.

Så lad os håbe de strammer op nu.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Brilliant, is that a Swedish thing? The more legal people involved the better.

In reality we need the media to find out about this, if you look at all the companies same CEOs seem to pop up! Should these people be arrested, absolutely!


Ja præcis!🙂

Der var faktisk 2 forskellige artikler om dette i svenske medier for et par uger siden på en af ​​Sveriges største nyhedssider. (DN/Dagens Nyheter)

Den første artikel handlede om, hvordan udenlandske casinoer fifler og bruger shell-firmaer til at omgå forskellige restriktioner

Den anden handlede udelukkende om den administrerende direktør og hans firma Quickbit/goriwire etc, hvor han blev hængt med et billede, og hvor de konfronterede ham med at påpege, at han lod svenske spillere bruge deres service til at lave casinoindskud

Automatisk oversættelse:

Do you have an article about the ceo of quickbit please? I could use that in my case




Artiklen er dog bag en betalingsmur.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I once spoke to Quickbit I think, as one of my merchants Wintermads, the registered CEO was someone called Serod Nasrat and he was former CEO of Quickbit I believe


Må jeg spørge, hvordan du rapporterede til ARN? Så hvilken kategori osv.?

Automatisk oversættelse:


Afdeling: Bank

Sagstype: Bankkonto


Navn: Revolut Ltd

E-mail: C

Adresse: 7 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf

Postnummer og by: London E14 4HD, Storbritannien.

Jeg forklarede tydeligt, at de afviste min tilbageførsel, selvom jeg ikke havde modtaget varer fra disse virksomheder, som transaktionerne gik igennem, gav dem uddrag fra Revolut og en e-mail om, at jeg forsøgte at kontakte firmaerne.

Også mails mellem mig og Revolut, hvor de skriver, at de ikke har tænkt sig at hjælpe mig mere eller mindre og ser sagen som afsluttet.

Medbragte også "Vilkår og betingelser" fra de fleste af disse findes på siderne, hvor de fint udskriver, at du har ret til refusion på flere forskellige punkter.

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Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello! Does anyone know this merchants or got refunded from them ?

zamtransact services limited



Zamtransact is at least Maguapay/theplatinum https://theplatinum.co/contact you can see in the bottom that its their "payment partner" in Zambia. I got 0 response from them at least


Dejligt, jeg prøver det 🙂

Automatisk oversættelse:

They have 4 different sites with the payment partner Zamtransact . Just contacted the bank of zambia to report this maybe it ll help but i dont have hopes .

Indlæg af jbias18 er blevet slettet


Evidence that you can get them to chargeback under 12.7 if you use visa

I chased chargebacks again today looks like they are cold shouldering me apparently gambling is not covered that was it I said did you read all the evidence got told yes but I doubt they would have wrote and told me so I said put me on to complaints and I got a man who raised the complaint im not sure how it will go but as he sounded a bit dry compared to the last woman I mentioned I will take it to the ombudsman if required and you will need to cover it all as its a 100% win so cannot understand why they do not just raise them as everyone else is getting refunds.

I chased chargebacks again today looks like they are cold shouldering me apparently gambling is not covered that was it I said did you read all the evidence got told yes but I doubt they would have wrote and told me so I said put me on to complaints and I got a man who raised the complaint im not sure how it will go but as he sounded a bit dry compared to the last woman I mentioned I will take it to the ombudsman if required and you will need to cover it all as its a 100% win so cannot understand why they do not just raise them as everyone else is getting refunds.

This with your bank?

Mine have obviously been put through, but what ones are you trying to get? Extra ones?


Did the person you mentioned yesterday not help you?


Hi bud the new ones after my relapse


Ive got someone else now my relations helper in the bank cannot influence it i just called and got put through by chargeback team probs hand picked by them to a complaints handler as he knew my name before I spoke

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