HjemForumCasinoerQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 354)

 af kirekin
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Find local Cork police station email and Cc in .I seem to be getting alot of responses now when I Cc their local law inforcement gosh they are so quick to answer


You’re a hero!!! DSSERVLTD and Eduntage please

Indlæg af Applesandpears93 er blevet slettet

thanks do you have their website aswell, if not no worries 🙂!


Hey hun hope your OK? Just want to say if you need a chat you have my email i am a good listener.I am not going to go into it but i hope you get my drift .lol I am good for a nice chin wag to let of steam too .Take care of you hun ok as I said you have my email and I am lovely which is a added bonus toot toot joking. Sending you a hug 🫂 🤗 Don't worry I ain't nuts but sometimes we all need a little bit of support and care even if it's from some you have never met .




I mean " Astrid" by the way, not "artstrid"


Yes but they sell digital artwork, their websites show that so that’s the route I have gone with Chase.


Argh sorry me dumb no ,but i will do some digging for you

Anyone looking for bytes i have found it DIGITAL BYTE HUB LIMITED the address is exactly same that I have been given by bank 7 bell yard London


Looks like a house and dentist in a posh bit of London


Is this coresbyte?


No it appeared on my statment as bytes news but bank gave me all details ,address and code they used as educational but bank said they could put it through as something else in description and they put it through as dinning out .It was actually the bank who said check for educational services, I can't seem to find any correspondence address or website or even these people SMH


There is lots of business there apparently


Don't think so as I think that's in tallin estonia


Very odd ! must be someone connected to it and they are using the address to look like a business I very much doubt its a registered casino offices providing genuine non rigged games ! we have all been done over they must be raking it in

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Hej alle sammen

For et par måneder siden skrev jeg her, at jeg kan hjælpe folk med kortklager til deres banker for et bestemt gebyr. Siden har jeg hjulpet to personer, hvoraf den ene har fået tilbage ca. 150k og de andre 100k, samt haft/har kontakt til nogle der har mindre summer de venter på.

I løbet af året har jeg selv fået succes med 100 % af mine kortklager (Revolut og Swedbank) og fået over 300.000 SEK tilbage.

Hvis du vil have hjælp, kan du skrive til mig på Discord -BettyBettyBetty. Jeg opkræver ikke noget på forhånd, men det er baseret på en gensidig tillid mellem os, hvor den største risiko er for mig, når jeg lægger meget arbejde uden at få noget for det. 2 ud af 3 der har kontaktet mig er "forsvundet" efter jeg gav dem råd, af de tre ærlige mennesker har jeg modtaget omkring 25% af hvad de nåede at få tilbage afhængig af hvor meget jeg hjalp med fx at skrive hele dokument . Jeg forbeholder mig derfor retten til at sige fra, hvis du ikke føler dig seriøs.

Jeg kan hjælpe dig hvis:

- Det er en svensk bank

- Du har ikke allerede indsendt en kortklage, der blev afvist

- Kun kortkøb, ingen bankoverførsler

-køb bør ikke være ældre end 6 måneder (kan stadig gå)

-Hvis det drejer sig om Revolut, afhænger det af, hvilken kategori købet er registreret i, om det går igennem eller ej, men det kan vi i fællesskab gennemgå ud fra, hvilke købmænd du har

Jeg kan selvfølgelig ikke garantere, at du får noget tilbage, men jeg er som sagt lykkedes 100% med min metode både for mig selv og dem jeg hjalp, hvis de fulgte mine anvisninger.

Indlæg som dette har en tendens til at tiltrække en masse irritation og beskyldninger om at udnytte andre, men hey – jeg er bare en tragisk spilmisbruger ligesom alle jer andre, der prøver at forbedre min økonomi ved at bruge det, jeg er god til. Alle har mulighed for, ligesom jeg, at læse op og gøre dette selv, men hvis du ikke vil/kan, er dette en win-win situation, hvis det lykkes dig at få nogle penge tilbage.

Lad shitstormen begynde og hav en god aften!

Automatisk oversættelse:

You have confused me lol. bytes news (bytes)was used as a 3rd party merchant and appeared on my bank statmnent as dinning out .I searched for ages for food establishments and hit brick wall until bank gave me some extra information address where payment went and category code and more .It was just by chance that i found this today and it all matches up address category educational .I have now found the 2 directors 1 on LinkedIn and the other on Instagram which both happen to be linked as one has commented on the others profile only problem is you can't contact on LinkedIn so I have reached out on insta .I had to set up an account .I haven't mentioned anything yet just asked for them to contact me via email as I have a buissness proposal and I would need to send some information .hopefully they fall for it .But both LinkedIn profiles point to it being them as 1 is an educator and podcasts and the other is software IT technology ect .and yep both are of foreign ethnicity.I sit and wait Tee hee hee hopefully they fall for it .I have a good mind to hop on train and go down there .but it's too blinking cold 🥶


Godt gået

Hvordan finder vi kontaktoplysninger til byte-nyheder?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Its obviously fraud going on how some of the banks cannot see this I do not understand ! good luck hope you get some come back !

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