HjemForumCasinoerVeikkaus Casino – generel debat

Veikkaus Casino – generel debat

 af mcclane2020
10.035 visninger 24 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Veikkaus Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

giver mening at sige om denne finske Veikkaus monopol casino ting.

Finland har til hensigt at sætte Veikkaus 'indkomst på statsbudgettet.

dette kan gøres fra et eu -perspektiv.

så er Veikkaus jaloux på almindelige finske spillere, når vi spiller i disse online casinoer, Veikkaus sigter mod at forhindre finnerne i at spille i udenlandske kasinoer.

dette finske spilfirma var tidligere Ray og blev fusioneret med Veikkaus. efter denne fusion stoppede Veikkaus 'spillemaskiner med at tjene penge, de begyndte kun at tage spillernes penge.

Automatisk oversættelse:

It would we interesting to see what was your RTP (return to player) before the merge and after the merge. Then it would be easy to count whether the slots really pay nothing.


Regning: Indløsninger af gevinster fra udenlandske spilsider blokeres

kl. 14:08: Rydman bekræftede, at blokering af betalingstransaktioner ville gælde for betalingen af spillets spil foretaget af spilleren til spiloperatøren, og gevinster fra spil kunne ikke udbetales til spillerne i Finland.

nu i finland er det planlagt at forhindre alle kasinoer i at spille.

dette skal nu gøres opmærksom på eu, at de finske borgeres rettigheder finansieres og Veikkaus -monopolet styrkes !!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Damn, it looks like the wave of terrible regulations reached the country of 1000 lakes as well. Such a shame 😕

Hej, væddemålsomsætningen er på 13 mia



Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, do you play in the casino or do you prefer others?

Jeg har nogle gange spillet betting, men den korrekte omsætning er ikke 100 millioner, men 13 milliarder

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg vil lige fortælle dig, at den korrekte omsætning på 13 milliarder ikke er 100 millioner som din side lyder

Automatisk oversættelse:

Thank you, I already notified my colleague from the Data analysis team.


Hey waledduda123.

Thank you very much for your insight. Please, be aware the projected annual revenues is just our estimation for their online casino and not the whole business activity. Additionally, we express that it is higher than 100 million, with the indicator ">".

This is the only casino i have never won a single big win . and i have played here as much as i have played together in all other hundreds of casinos i have tried.


That's what I call a piece of really bad luck!

Care to share further details? I mean, the quality of any casino is not determined by the amount lost or won.

You know, we can pretty easily lose several deposits straight in a legit and decent casino.


My friend just played there the other day and told he tried 4 different games. Counted that played over 1000 spins in a row without any bonuses or special features that normally accure every now and then in other casinos. Biggest win was under 1€. You call it bad luck. I see a pattern. Same games work totally different in all other casinos. Cant be bad luck if you play over years same games and this casino rtp is the worst in 99,9% of times. And speaking about dozens of different casinos.


And we're getting additional information, well, I could not guess that much from your original post, could I? 🙂

Let's leave that aside.

Are there any other hints suggesting the games are not as they should be?

Feel free to consider this post regarding fake games, please.

Technically, there is not much I can help you with unless anybody can prove casinos are altering the games. For that, one would need the full gaming history to reverse-engineer the whole game.

I'm not even sure whether anyone can accomplish such a task. The game's fairness should be guaranteed by the game provider's license, though.

Yeah, gave one last chance to this casino. 3 different games approx 1000 spins. 1 win over 3€. One game 500 spins in a row and not a single special feature that comes normally every now and then. Never seen this in 15 years in any other casino but Veikkaus several times. Games also lagging all the time. Game sounds not in sync with the game. I hope someone investigates this. after long investigation and interwievs, i am now 100% sure their games are not working same as the same games in other sites. Last few years my rtp there is so awful that no other casino comes even close and all my friends have noticed the same. Played one particular game. Our biggest wins in other casinos are about 2000-10 000€ as nobody has ever won even 300€ in this casino. And we all played almost 15 years in several sites.


Can you confirm the game's RTP? I mean, is it shown somewhere?

You know if the casino is licensed, there is truly a tiny, almost zero chance the games are not original.

Read this response from one of the Casino Guru Data Team members:


This is why I'm eager to know what games with what RTP you all play, or have played for all those years 🤔


listen betting er den eneste, der ikke undlader at udbetale gevinster. det eneste casino udover Paff, der ikke svigter spillere. fordi ansvaret er stort. og beskyttet. I Finland er det ikke sådan, at du også kan vinde fra et betalt spil. For nogle går det bare ikke til hjertet af det. penge bruges til at købe .og gebyret betales.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, then isn't it wisest to stay with the casinos where you have no problem with the withdrawals or anything else, whether you are betting or playing slots ? If you try other casinos and have negative experiences in them, then I absolutely don't understand. 

Anyway, thank you for giving us an insight into how things work in Finland. I'm sure someone can take what they need from it. 

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