HjemForumCasinoerWinstoria Casino – generel debat

Winstoria Casino – generel debat

 af Anonymized420
3.139 visninger 20 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Winstoria Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Jeg har forsøgt at bekræfte min bankkonto i flere uger uden held. . Jeg sendte alt det nødvendige og meget synlige til økonomiafdelingen flere gange, da jeg fik at vide af support!!" Ingenting!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Care to explain further, please? What does it mean "nothing"? Has the casino rejected some documents, or are you left without an update? Do you know what was wrong with those documents?

Let me know, please.

Med det mener jeg, at jeg ikke fik nogen information eller et svar

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I understand from your complaint that this verification situation has been going on for 3 weeks. This is quite unpleasant if it is just a matter of verifying a bank account. 

But the question is, what is the problem with the documents you sent, since you say they are clear to see? Did you get a reason from the casino why they don't accept them? 

I also read that the casino replied that you should receive an email from the finance department. You mentioned that you didn't receive anything. Have you tried checking other tabs like Spam or similar? Sometimes emails can end up in those folders as well. 

However, since this situation has been going on for quite a while and I don't think it's any science to verify a bank account, I think you did the right thing by filing a complaint. 

However, in this case, we will have to wait and see if you get the email or if you get any relevant reply from the casino regarding your case. 

If this happens, please do not hesitate to let us know. 

Jeg vil gerne vide, hvordan disse anmeldelser opstod. Jeg var klar over, at de få gratis spins eller småpenge betalte for anmeldelser, men skal det være tilfældet?

Dette casino er et REN scam casino

Jeg anmodede om en udbetaling via bankoverførsel, så indtast Iban og tryk på udbetaling, hvilket sker. Pludselig anmodede jeg om udbetalingen via Mifinity, og jeg har ikke engang en konto længere! Det hele er nu blevet aflyst i alt 6 gange og jeg har ikke modtaget noget på mail eller via Live chat svar!

Dette casino er en ren fidus, og jeg håber, at anmeldelsen vil blive redigeret her!

Jeg afskrev pengene og ser det som en lektie, men så burde casinoet i det mindste sortlistes eller vurderes anderledes!


Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello regarding our casino review process, I am attaching a guide here so you can see how our team does it

Regarding the problem that occurred in the casino, when you withdrew via bank transfer everything was fine and when you wanted to withdraw via Mifinity they blocked your account ? 

Let me know so we can try to help you.



Jeg klikkede på BANKOVERFØRSEL, indtastede min Iban og sendte det hele.

Så ville jeg se, hvad der foregik med min udbetaling. Der stod Mifinty, selvom jeg ikke betalte ud på Mifinty.

På magisk vis ændrede hævemetoden sig fra bank til Minfinty, UDEN at jeg gjorde noget lignende!

Automatisk oversættelse:


Jeg klikkede på BANKOVERFØRSEL, indtastede min Iban og sendte det hele.

Så ville jeg se, hvad der foregik med min udbetaling. Der stod Mifinty, selvom jeg ikke betalte ud på Mifinty.

På magisk vis ændrede hævemetoden sig fra bank til Minfinty, UDEN at jeg gjorde noget lignende!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ps: De nåede i hvert fald at betale ud

Automatisk oversættelse:

So, are you saying you have the money already? I'm a bit confused 🙂

My withdrawal has been in-progress for almost 2 weeks now, first batch of 500e has been paid the next day but then nothing

Redigeret af forfatter

Hi, I see that you have opened a complaint about this problem. From it I read that the casino asked you for additional documents that you have to provide as part of the additional verification. Could you please let us know if you were able to verify successfully and if the withdrawal was also okay ? 


I sent the requested documents but afterwards they responded that my account is undergoing additional check by the risk department seems like its not going to happen

why do say that it accepts players from Russia, if they do not.

I sent the requested documents but afterwards they responded that my account is undergoing additional check by the risk department seems like its not going to happen

It is a common thing that the casino has some additional checks when it verifies documents. In this case you have to wait until the investigation is done and see what they tell you and what the final result will be. No need to be skeptical just yet. 

I will keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞

why do say that it accepts players from Russia, if they do not.

Hello, can you also confirm where you got the information that they don't accept players from Russia ? Is it written in the Terms and Conditions or did you find it out some other way ? 

It is possible that the terms may have changed, so if you find something that doesn't match on our website and on the casino website, you can let us know here:


Jeg registrerede mig hos Wintopia i dag, fik en velkomstbonus og begyndte at spille. Jeg valgte Paysafe som min indbetalingsmetode.

Da jeg så valgte Paysafe og gik for at indbetale beløbet, og så så et UTORG-felt, der virkelig overraskede mig, skulle jeg ændre destinationen og købe krypto, så jeg fjernede markeringen i feltet og kunne ikke længere indbetale. Så prøvede jeg dette med Skrill, og igen så jeg feltet med ordet Utorg og blev bedt om at købe krypto.

Kundeservicen havde ingen råd, ej heller supporten, sagde bare jeg skulle bruge en anden betalingsmetode, jeg sagde, jeg gjorde det og valgte Skrill, men så så jeg også Utorg, indtil videre har jeg ikke hørt andet svar fra support .

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej Jaro

Læs min rapport om Wintopia, hvad jeg lige har oplevet

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej Radka

Læs venligst min rapport her i forummet om Wintopia, og hvad siger du til den?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there!

Frankly, I have nothing to say; to be honest, I do not fully understand what happened. To me, it almost sounds like a bug, and it's super sad that you have no response from the casino.

Until the casino properly addresses this issue, I wouldn't deposit. How about you?

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