Hej jeg løber ind i det samme problem som "Mattpaken" Jeg har været verificeret siden 6/29/22 og Min bitcoin adresse blev accepteret af kyc verifikation og de oplyste at den ville blive sendt til udbetalingsafdelingen og vil blive behandlet i 3. til 5 dage og alligevel intet. Jeg taler med supportteamet, og jeg bliver ved med at løbe rundt og siger bare et par dage mere lol.. vil nogen hjælpe mig med tak.
Hi I'm running into the same problem as "Mattpaken" I have been verified since 6/29/22 and My bitcoin address was accepted by kyc verification and they stated that it would be sent to the withdrawal department and would be processed in 3 to 5 days and yet nothing. I talk to there support team and I keep getting the run around saying just a few more days lol..will someone help me with the please .thank you