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casino tilbagetrækning

 af Juan1993
9.310 visninger 38 svar |
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Er det normalt, at en udbetaling til en bankkonto tager mere end 7 dage? 'Playuzu'

Automatisk oversættelse:

I've had this experience before, and it even took me more than just seven days, my most prolonged time of waiting.

Mange tak, jeg føler mig mere rolig

Automatisk oversættelse:

Lad os håbe den ankommer i morgen 7 hverdage

Automatisk oversættelse:

Good luck, mate. I hope everything will go fine.

Er det normalt, at en udbetaling til en bankkonto tager mere end 7 dage? 'Playuzu'

Automatisk oversættelse:


this casino has a very good reputation, so I'm assuming that if you already passed verification, the payment should be just a matter of time.

Lad os håbe den ankommer i morgen 7 hverdage

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, kindly let us know tomorrow 🤞

For nu ikke noget jeg advarer tak

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ja, og de sendte mig en hotmail om, at pengene er på vej

Automatisk oversættelse:

I guess You have to wait, I've once tried using a bank, but it only took me three days before receiving the money.


I løbet af denne dag vil jeg sige noget gutter en hilsen

Automatisk oversættelse:


Slet ikke x nu venter jeg til i morgen hvis jeg ikke sender dem et kontoudtog, de pisser mig allerede af, for de er meget smarte at lægge i. Alt godt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello and thank you for the updates.

I would wait a bit longer, we allow casinos 14 full days to process payouts if a complaint is submitted. Anyway, I hope that the complaint will not be necessary. 🤞

Sorry to hear that. I hope that it will get fixed soon.

Yes Banking can take a while especialy if they Have to Verify you my biggest win was at Buzzluck casino and with verification and not using bitcoin it was almost 2 weeks... That being said ive been an everyday online player/depositor at many of these casinos and played almost all ones allowed in America and although Buzzluck is one of the best they have 2 things i look for online casinos not to have High deposit Mininums and any withdrawal that takes longer than 24 hours using bitcoin especially is not up to par thier are serveral that are speedy. That being Said Verification that requires much more than a copy of your id and a pic with u holding it is not only rediculous,unneccary but almost garanteed to do that cause if u win big and have to wait for a 5 bussiness day verifivcation well you will spend it all which is Shady in my opinion thats not the intent of all some of the older casinos just need to update how they do things im sure and change like that can take time but i do feel when thiers hoops and hurdles for Verification thats intently done to be able to deny payment again my opinion

Nå, jeg har sendt dig kontoudtoget på min bankkonto, lad os se om du kan se, at jeg ikke har pengene endnu, jeg lugtede det fra begyndelsen, det gav mig en dårlig følelse, men godt, jeg håber at inddrive pengene på en eller anden måde, hilsener

Automatisk oversættelse:

Venter på, at de svarer på min e-mail, fordi de ikke engang svarer mig via chat længere

Automatisk oversættelse:

Disse mennesker er skurke mand, og svindlerne svarer heller ikke

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry to hear that.

Feel free to submit the complaint if you feel you need support, just keep in mind that we will wait for the 14-full days period ends.

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