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Crypto Money Casino

 af Whitelighter
4.350 visninger 10 svar |

Could somebody please explain crypto money and how it works in online casinos.

The crypto casinos utilize cryptocurrency as a game currency. To play using crypto first you have to exchange some of your fiat currency (using your card on exchange like crypto.com) and then deposit the crypto from your wallet to address of your account (can be found on crypto casino of your choice) the address to deposit funds to is individually generated in most cases, so it's just that simple -- send funds and they will reflect on your game balance.

Is it reliable to use crypto coins? I have never actually used it but would I like to know if the value is the same to use dollars or is it higher?


Maybe I'm too old fashioned, but I'd always prefer the standard currency for one particular reason. We sometimes receive complaints from players who should receive their withdrawal on their crypto wallet, but they didn't. The casino claims that they sent it and they even have some proofs for that, but the player has proofs showing that they didn't receive it. Then what? If it happens with a bank, you can track the money somewhere on the way between the two banks, but how about the blockchain where everything's anonymous? There's no institution you can send a complaint and that would have the power to find your money.


Jeg fortæller dig min sag: Jeg brugte den to gange; en til indbetaling på casino X og igen til udbetaling hos casino Y.

Begge gange gik det godt for mig. Men jeg må indrømme, at det giver mistillid.

Automatisk oversættelse:

It depends of the crypto currency, but actually the blockchain is very transparent and all transactions are there. It is like a big book with all transactions, which copy has every user, so I can not imagine the case when casino is claiming that paid (made a transaction) and have a proof. That proof needs to be validated by blockchain and after that it is a valid transaction. I would be careful by choosing the casino by reputation. It is not a crypto currency problem.

Kære Whitelighter, krypterede penge fra online casinoer fungerer nøjagtigt det samme som krypterede penge overalt, det vil sige når det kommer til at bruge en kryptokurrency til at foretage en transaktion til gengæld for noget. Ligesom når du foretager en transaktion i normale valutaer og tager et diagram, for eksempel af usd mxn live rate , kan du gøre det samme for en bitcoin eller enhver anden valuta. For slutbrugeren ændrer det sig ikke meget, det ændrer sig mere i essensen af kryptografien af selve valutaen.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Tak for oplysningerne

Automatisk oversættelse:

The other day I registered at a casino in order to earn bitcoin. Before that, I did not know that I can earn cryptocurrency in a casino, but in this 21st century it became possible. Now everyone can earn cryptocurrency instead of regular currency at the casino.

You may find this strange, but I found out about the dice game. Bitcoin can be earned in this game. I have heard many ways about earning bitcoin and all of these methods seemed very complicated. I think this way of making money is easier, so I want to try playing dice games on the official website. I want to earn my first bitcoin.


I am a gambling person, so I am spinning in the field of gambling. Now I am interested in earning bitcoin, so I am looking for new methods of earning bitcoin. I talked about a bitcoin dice game recently that I found in a review on one of the bitcoin websites. I have not tried it yet, but I think that this is a rather interesting resource that is definitely worth checking out.


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