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Får jeg mine gevinster udbetalt?

1 år siden af Skorpionen
2.245 visninger 10 svar |
1 år siden

Hej, jeg har spillet på manga casino og vundet 5000 euro.

Jeg er blevet bekræftet og har anmodet om en tilbagetrækning i går kl. 20.00. Spurgte chatten, hvor længe en udbetaling vil være afventende, og de svarede ikke mere end 48 timer. Nogen der har spillet på denne side og ved om den normalt udbetaler gevinster? Er bekymret

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hvis du bekræfter dine legitimationsoplysninger korrekt, skal du betales. Nogle gange tager det lidt længere tid end ønskede betalinger ikke tjener det, noget jeg aldrig vil forstå.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hej, jeg har spillet på manga casino og vundet 5000 euro.

Jeg er blevet bekræftet og har anmodet om en tilbagetrækning i går kl. 20.00. Spurgte chatten, hvor længe en udbetaling vil være afventende, og de svarede ikke mere end 48 timer. Nogen der har spillet på denne side og ved om den normalt udbetaler gevinster? Er bekymret

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Have your account been fully verified? If not, be ready for the verification in order to get the winnings.

Any today's update, perhaps?

1 år siden

What method you used?

1 år siden

I would use the reply button if I were you. Get you a better chance to get a reply soon, you know? The recipient is notified when the button is used.

I honestly do not know who you asked.

1 år siden

Sorry I'm new to this, didn't notice that the initial post also have reply botton

1 år siden

No problem at all!

I only want you to get in touch with others smoothly. I was just a suggestion 😉

1 år siden

If you pay, don't worry, it usually takes 24 hours, in the worst case it takes 48 hours, but if you pay, they pay! so don't worry

1 år siden

In most casinos, this process can extend up to 72 hours, and of course, this timeline varies depending on whether you are playing under a deposit bonus or a raw deposit. Under Deposit Bonuses, the process can take up to 72 hours (including checks for compliance with deposit bonus rules, max wager limit, etc.), whereas under Raw Deposits, this procedure typically happens instantly.

And it seems that a week has passed since the post; I assume you have already received your payment and I wish you success in your upcoming sessions!

1 år siden

If possible I would recommend to use the "reply" button. This way the recipient will be notified that someone has replied. 

Anyway, as far as the casino is concerned, I see you have experience with this particular one, right ? I guess also positive, since you say that withdrawals usually take 1-2 days. 

It's nice to see someone with good reviews on the forum, as most of the time there are players with negative ones. 🙂

By any chance, do you play in this casino ? 

1 år siden

I think the withdrawals depend on a number of factors, but yes, this may be one of them, so thank you for the addition and the insight. 

I also hope that the player managed to get the wins without any major problems, and I am also pleased with your positive attitude. 

I wish you the best of luck and wins in the future. 😊

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