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Giv Live Tokens (side 2)

 af Serggio
31.260 visninger 88 svar |
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Hmm, so the question mark seems to be missing.

Just mind this forum does not support personal or direct messages. So, I'd say it's not the best place for such a "headhunting" 😀

Jeg er interesseret, og jeg spørger, om du har sendt nogen her, som er ekspert, til at være administrator eller kasserer! . Så tror jeg ikke du forstår godt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Uhm, with all possible respect: have you noticed I'm the administrator and moderator of this forum?

I think you have not. 🙂

Furthermore, no one is going to send anyone here - this is forum, not a chat room. I tried to explained kindly, but you seem quite lost here.


Åhhh jeg tænkte, at der ville være eksperter på området, og jeg kunne få et tilbud klar til at begynde at arbejde med den rette person med erfaring og seriøsitet. Hvor kan jeg så gå hen for at arbejde med kasinohuset?

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm glad you are now focused. 🙂 We are not a casino.

You should start by finding a decent casino to work with. Browse the list of recommended casinos if you like. Just mind no one is going to offer you an affiiate job here. This is not job forum, I'm sorry.

If you wish to get more educated on the subject, however, enroll these free courses 😉


Hej, jeg er interesseret i information til min WhatsApp 11 5489-3039

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej, jeg vil gerne være tokenudbyder. Jeg er fra Argentina, tak ☺️

Automatisk oversættelse:

Who wants to be a "token provider" ? Hands up! ✨🙌

Hej, jeg vil gerne vide, hvordan jeg kan være udbyder af tokens til forskellige platforme?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Technically, you want to be an affiliate partner luring people to deposit in casino, correct?

If I understand correctly what you mean, then as for me, no casino will want to make you an affiliate, and here everything is simple - this is business. If you have a blog on YouTube or Instagram, and there is a large and active audience on it, this is a completely different question. Or if you are a well-known person in general. In another case, I don’t even know, I don’t see any reason for the casino to take ordinary people as affiliates.


Hey there!

I just want to add that many casinos directly offer even a regular players a great "chance" to become an affiliate by saying:

"Welcome to **** affiliates. Join us and earn money by inviting people"

It's pretty easy to get the registration, I wonder what happens after though. I would call such people "rogue affiliates" 😀. Just my opinion of course.


Hey 🙂

I don’t know much about the topic, but if it works like this, that the affiliate will receive a percentage only if the new player loses, then this is sad. Advance "sad money" and yeah "rogue affiliates"


Hello! 🙂

I'm sure there are many affiliate deals/offers with different conditions - I just mentioned the one I believe to be potentially harmful to casual players...

Honesty for honesty - not an expert myself just trying to raise awareness whether I can.🙌

Hej hvordan tjener jeg penge?

Automatisk oversættelse:

By making yourself employed, perhaps? 🙂

Hej, jeg leder efter tokenudbydere eller at være tokensælger

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I moved your post here in order to help you reach people sharing the same interest at least. 😉

Hej 👋 Jeg er interesseret i at være udbyder og sælge poletter til administratorer og kasserere. kontakt mig venligst

Automatisk oversættelse:

Aaah what's happening with the Argentinian troops popping up on the same request ? What's a token provider ???? Crypto casino related ?

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