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Deposits & withdrawals

2 år siden af Mumof4babies
3.809 visninger 3 svar |
2 år siden

This is in one particular casino

I have over the passed 3 months deposited around 52k -

I have also in that 3 months withdrawn around 33k in dribs n drabs like $1000/$2000 amounts nothing big.

Out of all the sites I play on this site is the one that I’m at a big loss 19k as it doesn’t pay out big ever - is this an issue for other people or should I be grateful I’m not at a greater loss. Any advise would be appreciated as I am close to closing my account given i go weeks of depositing 6/7 k only to win $0 and feel frustrated that it’s just taking back what it’s paid out and extra ..

2 år siden


From my point of view, gambling should be just for fun only. If you feel some tension regarding your overall balance it does not sound like much fun anymore. Every money deposited to the casino I would consider lost so every small winning is just more fun.

I feel this opinion may not help you - sorry 🙂

2 år siden

Hi, it really depends on the casino you play in. I feel like if the casino is rated badly on our website, there's a highly probability that there's something fishy about them. Otherwise, it can be just bad luck compared to your gameplay in other casinos. You sure have some casinos on the list where you "do better" compared to others. Then there must be a casino that is on the other end of the "luck" scale.

2 år siden

There is this website which will make sure help you for this issue

Redigeret af Radka 2 år siden
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