HjemForumGenerel debat om gamblingI noticed a trend with Loosing AFTER a win ...

I noticed a trend with Loosing AFTER a win ... (side 2)

 af Kimslots
8.250 visninger 38 svar |
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I also get the feeling that when you play at a small bet, you always get big multipliers, and when you raise the bet, the slot just takes it all away...


Well, let's hope it's just a feeling 🙂.

Just a thought, have you tried to play the same game placing the very same bets in several casinos? What impression do you think you'll get?


Good idea, will try!🙂

Vi skal altid kun spille på betroede sider, som bekendte har anbefalet

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'll let you know I've joined Betti casino which has a bad reputation on here, but they dealt with my KYC verification to my satisfaction and they offer good promotions I'll let you know how I'm treated if I make a withdrawal

Vi skal altid kun spille på betroede sider, som bekendte har anbefalet

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'd say, you should also invest some time into research and then decide whether the casino is worth your money (user reviews, complaints websites reviews). If you can't decide, try to play using a deposit bonus - if available. That should give you the opportunity to "test the support asking about bonus terms, verification, and so on. 😉

Good idea, will try!🙂

I'll wait for some conclusion - good luck! ✌✨


Jeg er enig i, at det sker meget ofte.

Men det sker også for mig, at jeg går fra en indsats på for eksempel €1 til €2,50, og spillet begynder at give rigtig gode gevinster.

Det sker selvfølgelig ofte, at han begynder at spise pengene 😛 men nogle gange er man virkelig heldig.

Jeg tror, at hvis du spiller på et casino, der er virkelig RIGTIG, så er det bare held i sidste ende. 🙂

og som herrerne allerede har forklaret rigtig godt, har casinoet altid en fordel.

Jeg har også øjeblikke, hvor jeg får rigtig gode gevinster og så ikke får nogen gode hits i ugevis, uanset hvor jeg spiller. 🙂

En gang sådan og så igen anderledes, stopper kasinoer. 🤪😬🫣🫡

Hav en god dag 🌴

Automatisk oversættelse:

Og allerede nye indtryk kære Nigeljc?


Automatisk oversættelse:

I haven't deposited yet went online this morning and according to live chat I'm verified so I'm waiting for some cash to come in that I lent someone and use that to test it. I don't know if I'm going to take the bonus or not x35 wagering. They have another promotion karma drop while playing at ,50 or higher you can get a non wagering cash prize


Jeg forstår. 🙂

Har du også modtaget en e-mail vedrørende din bekræftelse?

Nogle gange siger supporten, at du er verificeret, og bagefter beder de om snesevis af dokumenter, hvorfor jeg spørger. 🙂

Ønsker dig i hvert fald held og lykke!

Du vil træffe den rigtige beslutning, om du gør krav på en bonus eller ej. 🙂 afhængig af din mavefornemmelse vil jeg sige 🙂

Hav en dejlig dag 🫡

Automatisk oversættelse:

I have the same feeling, I hope it's just a cognitive distortion

Since I first started this thread I have learned much more ,& I've applied what I've learned... The outcome is much better now😂. . . (winning multiple times on the same site is wonderful)


It's nice that you've been with us for quite a long time and that things have changed for the better. Nothing makes me happier than to see others doing well. 

Anyway, what have you learned and applied now that you are doing better ? 😀

Nå, jeg havde den samme følelse i begyndelsen af min tid på kasinoet, men dette aftager, når man tænker på, hvilken slags spil man spiller. For eksempel spiller jeg i øjeblikket meget Hacksaw, hvoraf de fleste er ekstremt volatile, så selvfølgelig vinder du sjældnere, men du har ekstremt potentiale til at vinde meget.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I commend you for mentioning volatility. I've met enough players who don't know much about this concept and you explained it well. It's also a risk from my point of view, but I'd rather play high volatility games than low. The chances of a bigger win here are obviously higher. 

What is your favorite slot from hacksaw ? 


Nå efter min megasejr helt klart Itero, men jeg finder faktisk Fist of Destruction og Le Bandit de mest interessante.

Automatisk oversættelse:

One of the things I've learned is to find the best casino(s) that suites your preference,and take the time to learn the games. . The other thing is to hold off on trying Brand new casinos until they have sufficient enough reviews before you dive in there. Really though I used to jump in on brand new casinos depositing way too much to only get scammed on some way or another. Patience is a virtue as well, play more slowly - not so eager. LOL I'm sure you seasoned players already know all of this though🙄


I would certainly have the same. New casinos are a definite risk and I would go to the ones that are already in a group that would be proven to me. In the meantime, it's good to gather information from players who don't think that way. 

It's also important to find a casino where you are comfortable with most or all of the features. Without that, it wouldn't work. 

So thank you also for your feedback and I hope that you will come here with the fact that you have hit big. 😉

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