HjemForumGenerel debat om gamblingKasinoer afslutter spillere med base i Tyskland

Kasinoer afslutter spillere med base i Tyskland (side 2)

3 år siden af Frankey
8.182 visninger 37 svar |
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3 år siden

I'm really wondering how it's going to develop in Germany. It's not a small market that anyone could afford to simply neglect. Germany is one of the most important markets in Europe so they should hurry up to find a solution 🙂

3 år siden

They lose a lot of tax money as most people looking for ways around it. Honestly, I wouldn't mind paying a bit more tax if they let me put more than 1 Euro in a spin.

Top Bundesliga Player, who are idols to millions of children, still do ads for Betting sites on TV. It's officially illegal since the 1.7. 🤷🏼‍♂️🙄

3 år siden

Who is it? Lewandowski?

3 år siden

I honestly don't know. I don't know that much about football to put names on faces

3 år siden

Udviklingen her i Tyskland lige nu er virkelig utrolig. Jeg har ingen idé om, hvad dette styrkeforhold har med demokrati at gøre (og med det mener jeg ikke nødvendigvis retten til selvbestemmelse). Jeg er heller ikke sikker på, om Leudz virkelig kontrollerer, hvad der foregår her. Selv med risiko for at gentage mig selv vil jeg opsummere det igen:

  • Anonyme pengeoverførselsmuligheder afskaffes gradvist (f.eks. Paysafecard, Neosurf osv.)
  • Anskaffelse og lagring af ALLE afspillerdata, der er registreret i de licenserede kasinoer (inklusive væddemålsstrategier, væddemål og spiladfærd -> krav, der er forankret i kontrakten om at oprette en sikker server, samt at oprette forbindelse til den centrale fil.
  • drastisk reduktion af profitmulighederne ved at sænke RTP, "regulering" af indsatsbeløbet og sidst men ikke mindst ved at fjerne profitrelevante spil (jackpot / bord / live)
  • For spillere er det at spille online så uattraktivt som muligt (5 sek regel osv.)
  • saftig beskatning af online casinoer
  • de nye begrænsninger gælder IKKE for statslige kasinoer, lotterier osv.

Så her har vi en statsorganiseret beskyttelse af de ligeledes statslige monopoler med henblik på profitmaksimering, samtidig med at vi maksimerer tabene så lovligt som muligt på den anden side.

Derudover en central BIG DATA-ressource (WTF!), Der er frit tilgængelig for staten

Plus (næsten tilfældigt gennem bagdøren) organiserede adgang til de store e-tegnebøger, der ikke er krypto, samtidig med at anonymitet elimineres, når det kommer til finansielle transaktioner.

Spillerbeskyttelse? Alvorlig? Nightingale ick høre dig fælde.

Redigeret af forfatter 3 år siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

That sounds harsh. Did they really decrease the RTP so players actually win less than before?

3 år siden

yes. but the permission to do so came from Malta. published on 28.05.2021: "The amendment consists in the lowering of the existing minimum RTP percentage (applicable to operators offering their games online) from ninety-two per cent (92%) to eighty-five per cent (85%)."

so this is by far not only a topic for german players. many provider began already to offer RTP reduced variants of their slots. Push was one of the latest.

it needs seriously some notes by Casino Guru about this development, so the gambling community takes an advantage (and if its just a second look regarding the RTP version) of the provided information.

P.S: the mga's justification for this step is just as flimsy as that of the german state regarding regulations. 

source: https://www.mga.org.mt/the-mga-streamlines-the-return-to-player-percentage-applicable-to-both-remote-and-land-based-sectors/?fbclid=IwAR1HqpN7ADrPa5fUlsX2i0YIwZiuTeSt0mmtYuABpV_kpNG0xM_ip17HoH4

Redigeret af forfatter 3 år siden
3 år siden

i find the developments worrying in every respect. it may sound a bit exaggerated, but in my eyes, the state and the "authorities" are explicitly turning the screws in front of everybody's eyes. these are capitalistically motivated decision-making processes that are on the edge of legality and without a democratic decision-making basis. they just put on a little political cosmetics and makeshift camouflage: thats it. I think that's one of the things that makes me so pissed off: that it's not even an artful move or at least clever. or a great show. it's just a cheap trick. but that seems to be enough. 

on the other hand, you can see very well here why players, even if they are the foundation for the whole gambling-circus, don't have a lobby and never will have one. man...

Redigeret af forfatter 3 år siden
3 år siden

I also noted a development in a bad direction here in the Czech republic after the government applied regulations in 2017. To sum it up, entering the Czech market by getting the official license was so difficult for foreign casinos that ones who really care about their reputation rather withdrew from the market and closed all Czech accounts. On the other hand, there are many bad casinos that don't care about anything, including the players. Those remained open to Czech players.

So instead of giving the players an opportunity to play in great international casinos, they're often forced to play in shady casinos where you're never sure if you get your winnings. Of course, there are very good casinos that still accept the Czech players, but they're rather an exception.

3 år siden

sounds like it's the same in green in many ways. maybe the benefits of such regularities for the legislators differ from country to country. maybe also the hands that wash each other. but one thing is for sure: it's at the expense of the player. he pays for it, one way or another. (and then they talk about player protection - at least here Germany - ridiculous!)

3 år siden

Yes, it was the same case here. I'm not very familiar with the German environment, but I'm convinced that the regulations were done badly here in the Czech rep. due to lack of knowledge of the online gambling environment. I don't believe that the law was prepared by anyone who had any experience with how online casinos work and what the players really need in order to be protected.

3 år siden

i'm not quite sure whether it's really just because the politicians don't have a clue. they most likely don't - the fact, that people completely unfamiliar with the subject, evaluate and regulate very special and specific topics is unfortunately part of everyday politics. usually it's not very noticeable, at least if the affected population group is relatively small, doesn't put up enough resistance (or doesn't know how to stage this resistance in a media-effective way) or if there is no lobby with enough influence and capital.

(just to put my statements in the right perspective: i think that the misguided decisions concerning education policy or, for example, the care sector are far more drastic and worse than gambling issues.).

but the point is, however: the new laws and everything that is attached to them are, in my opinion, very well thought out (as stated in one of the previous posts: Generation of additional funds through taxation, strengthening of the state gambling monopoly, data collection & initialization of various control instances also and especially concerning money transfers). Unfortunately, this is not even an aluhut theory, just a list of facts. 

it doesn't matter at all what the decision makers actually know about the gambling industry or whether they know the gamblers' needs. or if they have an idea of how a meaningful support of gambling addicts (and those at risk) might look like.  because that´s simple not the purpose of the exercise - it never was.

3 år siden

Jeg talte med Kent hos Slotwolf via e-mail i denne uge.

Alle spil uden tysk licens er blokeret for tyskere der. De havde sendt mig et specielt tilbud med 100 gratis spins til Gold Digger med et depositum på € 50.

Under alle omstændigheder blev spillet endelig forbudt .. Og jeg måtte udholde starburst, som heller ikke fungerede rigtigt. Efter en masse frem og tilbage er det blevet en bog af døde. 🙁 Jeg spillede de hundrede spil, og efter at ikke et eneste af mine yndlingsspil gik tilbage, blev jeg frustreret og overførte mine penge tilbage, som heldigvis fungerede med det samme.

Slotwolf skrev en e-mail næste dag, hvor Kent tilbød mig en 50% cashback på den næste indbetaling.

Jeg fortalte ham, at jeg fortryder det meget, men på trods af Slotwolfs altid eksemplariske behandling har jeg en tendens til at spille et andet sted, hvor du stadig kan spille alt.

Han sagde, at jeg skulle være tålmodig og arbejde på en løsning.

.. Skam .. SLOTWOLF var top

Som jeg lige har bemærket hos Duxcasino er det meget værre. Selv de dårlige betsoft-spil fungerer ikke.

Og unikrn har ikke 10 af de tidligere mere end 700 i det tyske program.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

Jeg spørger mig selv det samme ..

Selvom jeg ville klassificere det tyske marked som ikke ligefrem lille.

Masser af velforbundne, velhavende kunder;

formet af kapitalismen og derfor iboende tilbøjelige til at spille.

Sammenlignet med mange andre lande, hvor den værste fattigdom dominerer størstedelen af befolkningen, er stort set alle i stand til at deltage i spil.

Derudover er der den ikke at undervurdere andel af lande, hvor spil er fuldstændig forbudt, eller hvor meget strenge krav ekstremt begrænser markedet, såsom B i skandinaviske lande.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

Yes, I'm really wondering how the German market is going to develop. It looks for now that many casinos simply weren't prepared for this.

3 år siden

Yes, I'm really wondering how the German market is going to develop. It looks for now that many casinos simply weren't prepared for this.

3 år siden

Kasinoerne havde tid nok til at forberede sig. Fordi de nye regler trådte i kraft den 15. oktober sidste år. Som en prøvetid så at sige.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

Åh, jeg har en fornemmelse af, at der ikke kommer meget mere.

Det er allerede blevet reageret på.

Eller måske ikke

Reaktionen forbliver alligevel.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

I know they had time, but I also know how things work in different casinos. For example we recorded many complaints from players who filled their details (including country) when they registered in the casino and after they won, the casino told them that they're from a restricted country.

They easiest solution would be to remove restricted countries from the country list when you register. Then you'd simply know that if your country isn't there, you can't play in the casino. If you choose a different country, it's your fault, because you're obligated to register using correct information about yourself.

Even this simple step as removing restricted countries for the list is a big deal for some casinos. Thus I can imagine that applying changes with regards to the new German law can be quite impossible for some smaller casinos.

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