HjemForumGenerel debat om gamblingsandheden om streamere

sandheden om streamere (side 4)

 af paclmaya
23.868 visninger 72 svar |
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So you're affiliates?

Aren't streamers affiliates?


This whole - including streamers, is part of the affiliate business.

Even a shop that returns you a certain portion of the money you spent there via your bank or card is engaged in affiliate business. It actually means someone is getting a cut for something, not actually goods or services. Money for getting to know 🙂 if you prefer.

The modern explanation stands like this:

"Affiliate marketing is a marketing model in which third-party publishers promote a merchant's goods or services and receive a percentage of the sales or web traffic made as a result. It is typically considered a key part of modern digital marketing."

The main point is how you do that. We, for instance, keep high moral boundaries in what we do by excluding promotions.

Redigeret af forfatter

A shop is a vendor. The customer is trading their money for a physical or digital product. They do not rely on their customers losing long term for prosperity. Casino affiliates do.

I think if we exclude fake streamers, casino guru is no better or no worse then streamers. You all make money from people losing. Some of your previous comments regarding streamers is more then a little hypocritical. However your claimants service does on the surface seem as though you give more back then legitimate streamers. However certain streamers claim if you sign up through their links and something goes wrong they will protect you....I'm not sure if that's true or not.

A murky business you guys are in, I can't help but think your distain for streamers might be because they are more popular and steal your business?

I could be completely wrong though, Ive never engaged much in this side of things.


Not necessarily, I'd say.

I wouldn't say the whole affiliate system is based on losses in general. But, of course, I do understand your point.

I must admit I've never heard of this protection before, though it is not something I can elaborate on. I mean, how could someone out of the casino help another person when "anything" goes wrong? You know we can't accomplish that even through our Resolution Center. 🤔

"A murky business you guys are in, I can't help but think your distain for streamers might be because they are more popular and steal your business?"

No, it's probably my personal lack of respect for those who aim to support the idea that winning in casinos is easy. Despite the proven fact that the worst odds for winnings are especially in playing slots... Or, the longer you play, the more likely you'll lose. To me, it seems like a contradiction to what such artists present to the public.

I just can't help myself, yet I'm glad I know at least one exception. 😀



Hvordan genkender du en streamer, der spiller med falske penge? Det er hans missioner, der forråder ham. Ingen fornuftig spiller ville bruge deres hårdt tjente penge til at lave spins på $100 eller deromkring

Streamere modtager en vis sum penge, afhængigt af hvor mange seere de har.

En stream får 2 millioner euro - hvoraf en vis procentdel, f.eks. 10 %, er hans penge. Han får de ekstra penge ind på sin spillekonto – så han skal spille et vist antal timer og dage om ugen. Og det i en vis periode, så længe hans kontrakt løber. Hvis han stadig har penge på kontoen efter kontraktens udløb, så tilhører de ham.

Du tjener selvfølgelig også på annoncer med bonusser og så videre.

I princippet er jeg af den opfattelse, at streaming fra online casinoer bør forbydes, samt upload af videoer til medier som YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram og så videre. Streamerne viser simpelthen det forkerte billede her.

Og så længe disse streamere eksisterer, vil der ikke være fair play for normale spillere – det kan simpelthen ikke være sådan, at normale spillehaller føler, at de har en bedre udbetaling end online slots.

Automatisk oversættelse:

If I remember correctly, they banned many casino streamers from Twitch, right? Yeah, what you're watching there isn't right, but some people still love watching it.

I digged more into this topic in past and it seems most of the streamers never made any deposits to their casino accounts. The casinos fund their accounts and the streamers get money as affiliates bringing new players to the casinos.


skal ses på youtube

Automatisk oversættelse:

And why is that exactly, if I may ask?🤔

Would you like to tell us something about it, perhaps?


hvorfor skal du se videoen på?

Automatisk oversættelse:

No problem; thank you anyway.

Yeah these streamers are given the money they use by the casinos/game studios and its amazing they always hit these big multipliers that the rest of us never do. Don't trust them at all. Don't even watch tbh.


I used to watch it from time to time, but it should definitely be taken with a caution. 

As you say, very few streamers play with their money and most of them have contracts. Those who would be seduced by big wins could probably be new to gambling. 

Can you think of any streamers you've seen like this? 🤔

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