HjemForumGenerel debat om gamblingPlaying on a registered online casino or playing on a non registered online casino?

Playing on a registered online casino or playing on a non registered online casino?

2 år siden af kanongaming
4.451 visninger 7 svar |
2 år siden

Good Morning all,

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend.

We know this questions is very complicated and never asked by anyone. But what would you prefer, playing on an online casino which is registered and licensed with the authorities or playing on other online casino which aren't registered or licensed.

Let us know what you think about this and what will you choose?

Kanon Gaming.

Casino Epic | Casino Epik

Casino Gami

Redigeret af Radka 2 år siden
Årsag: casino's link added
Casino Epic
2 år siden

Hello there!

Allow me to say that there are hardly any advantages gained by playing in an unlicensed casino.

Not saying that every unlicensed casino must be a scam, but when the need arises, there is no license to ask for help. Such a casino is not under any pressure to act straight and fairly - it's not regulated, so it's a potential and unnecessary risk, I'd say. 🙂

2 år siden

Thank you so much Radka for your valuable response which we can truly agree with. 🤗

Casino Epic
2 år siden

I'm just wondering, are you an official casino representative? We could create you a special representative account.

2 år siden

Det forekommer mig, at for at få en licens til et kasino, skal operatørerne acceptere de regler, som håndhæves af spillemyndigheden i en given jurisdiktion. For eksempel er et casino licenseret af Malta Gaming Authority underlagt regulering i det pågældende land. Kasinoet skal være villig til at underkaste sig inspektioner af dets spillesoftware og -drift og skal betale et licensgebyr til Spillemyndigheden.

Redigeret af Radka 2 år siden
Årsag: Forbudt link
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Can I start online gambling site?

2 år siden

You can, it's like running a company after all.

Consult with Google 🙂. Just keep in mind that it's not so easy if you want to do it properly, I'd say.

There are already tons of unlicensed casinos with terrible reputations.

2 år siden

I totally agreed with you my problem is solved completely. Thankyou so much. Have a nice day to all… Tarde

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