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Losses in exchange rates.

3 år siden af DjDero
3.144 visninger 3 svar |
3 år siden

My bank account is in Bulgarian levs and I want to translate into euros. Most casinos charge me as follows:

1 EURO = 2.25BGN


And the course is currently as follows for Bulgaria:

1 EURO = 1.95BGN

1 DOLLAR = 1.63BGN

So if I deposit 100 euros, I will be charged 225 levs. Which I get a loss from the difference in the currency of 30 levs

Should I make a new account in euros to play in casinos whose deposits are in euros or dollars?

3 år siden

Yes, that would be the best option to create EUR account in one of the banks in Bulgaria. You could probably even find a bank that will do this for free without any monthly fee. I have it free in one bank and pay 2eur/month in another one.

3 år siden


Måske gør jeg det samme, men jeg venter bare på et problem ..
Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

Hi. I understand you perfectly, so I have several bank accounts and buy cryptocurrency so don't want to spend money because of the difference in currency conversion. 

Redigeret af Daniel 3 år siden
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