1 måned siden
Tezz888 Jeg vinder penge 41000, og på tidspunktet for udbetalingen blokerede de min konto, og de giver ikke mine penge. Tezz888 denne app har gjort mig glad jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal gøre Jeg kan ikke logge ind nu jeg tabte en masse penge, men jeg vandt, men de giver ikke nu
På tidspunktet for hævningen er min konto spærret.
Tezz888 I win money 41000 and at the time of withdra they blocked my account and they are not giving my money. Tezz888 this app has done froud with me I don't know what to do I am unable to login now I lost a lot of money but I won but they are not giving now
At the time of withdraw my account is blocked they.