HjemForumGenerel debatGlemt adgangskode, hvad kan du gøre?!

Glemt adgangskode, hvad kan du gøre?!

 af Baddy
5.121 visninger 15 svar |

Jeg tilmeldte mig MAGICRED CASINO i går, jeg glemte både adgangskoder fra e-mail og for at logge ind HJÆLP!?! ?? !!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, there is "Forgotten password". You have to click there and reset your password via email.


Radka Mange tak. Stort problem. Adgangskoden til min Gmail er ukendt 😞duplikatadgangskode væk Jeg kunne kun nulstille min adgangskode med mobilnummer, ellers var alt væk

Automatisk oversættelse:

Happy to help 🙂

Oh, and have you managed to reset the password via the phone number, please? Did it work?


Hej Radka synes det er dejligt at du spørger. Nej, kan ikke få det, hvordan skal jeg gøre at du giver mig en adgangskode via mobilen !!!?

ps har omkring 250 € på kontoen 😞😞😞😞

Automatisk oversættelse:

This is a really tough situation. I'd probably explain the situation to the casino. It would be quite time consuming and I'm not even sure if the casino is willing to do this, but they could potentially do a verification call with you, ask you some questions about your account to make sure that the account is yours.

Then they could change the email address on your account to a new one and then you could send the new password to your new email address.

But once again, this isn't the standard process, but it's a way to get this resolved.


Mange tak Daniel .. Jeg ved ikke om CASINO MAGIC RED ville være klar til det, selvom jeg forstår det. SELVFØLGELIG er det min skyld du ikke kan gøre noget 😞

Automatisk oversættelse:

If everything else fails, you can try submitting a complaint on our website. Yes, it's your fault, but it wouldn't be fair being unable to collect your winnings only because you forgot a password.


Hej Daniel, hvor har du ret, men hvad er meningen, hvis jeg skriver en klage!? Giver det mening !?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello Baddy,

this complaint will cost you nothing and there is a chance we could help you. Feel free to try it out. Will you do that?


I'm pretty sure we have direct contacts for representatives of the Magicred casino so we could try to contact them and try to find solution. Your issue is pretty simple. You need to withdraw your winnings, but you're unable to reset your password (due to already mentioned reasons) so you need the casino's help.


Tak for indsatsen og tiden DANIEL vil prøve med en klage uanset hvad der sker Lg

Automatisk oversættelse:

No worries, I hope we'll manage to get this resolved. It's the type of a case where the casino didn't do anything wrong to you, but you also didn't do anything wrong to the casino so I'd say the major part is to make sure that the casino can verify you somehow and restore access to your account.


Tak Daniel du beskrev PROBLEMET meget kompetent 👍

Jeg håber alt bliver godt ... ellers er der ikke noget du kan gøre

Automatisk oversættelse:

Good morning and stay positive 🙂


Du har ret 👍🥰

Automatisk oversættelse:

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