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Kreditsaldo ved død

 af Cidalia1900
341 visninger 6 svar |

I dag fik jeg et spørgsmål, som jeg ikke rigtig kunne svare på.

En kollega spurgte mig, hvad der sker med pengene (kreditten) på min casinokonto, hvis jeg dør.

Jeg sagde, at jeg troede, at hans arvinger så ville have ret til det.

Han sagde nej, fordi kontoen var i hans navn og ikke hans kone eller børn.

Pengene ville stadig være der om mange år, fordi ingen andre har adgang til hans konto.

Desværre er jeg ved at være slut nu og kunne ikke finde et svar.

Måske kan en specialist eller et medlem, der har oplevet denne situation før, sende en løsning. Tak.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I would surely ask a laywer about this situation. They should know what should happen.

What do you say?

Det vil jeg fortsætte med. Mange tak

Automatisk oversættelse:

We'll wait for some information from you regarding this.

Som med alle spørgsmål om dødsfald, bør du være bekymret for arverettigheder. De arveberettigede, såsom ægtefæller, har det første krav på arven. Dette inkluderer overskud, aktier, værdipapirer og så videre.

Der skal fremvises en officiel dødsattest.

Dette er den information, jeg var i stand til at indsamle.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, that's a grave topic. 🙂

What you just posted makes sense, and would pretty much, im opinion also differ based on the players local inheritance law.

Try the Chat GPT to assess available sources for you; it's a great tool for collecting information and running text analises - the best part is that you will get precise answers if you are good at asking questions. I may try that for you if you like.

Redigeret af forfatter

According to the Chat GPT asisstant:

In Germany, the fate of funds in an online casino account after the account holder's death depends on several factors, including the legality of the online casino and the terms of service agreed upon with the provider.

Legality of Online Casinos in Germany

As of 2021, Germany has implemented the Interstate Treaty on Gambling (Glücksspielstaatsvertrag 2021), which allows online casinos to operate legally if they possess a valid German license. However, as of February 2022, no providers have been granted such licenses, rendering most online casino offerings illegal in Germany.


Inheritance of Online Casino Funds

Under German inheritance law, heirs generally inherit all assets and liabilities of the deceased, as stipulated in Section 1922 of the Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch). This includes funds in bank accounts and other financial assets. However, the inheritability of digital assets, such as online casino accounts, can be complex and may depend on the terms and conditions set by the service provider.

For instance, a 2017 case involving a social media account highlighted that while contracts related to such accounts are generally inheritable, the specific nature of the content (e.g., personal communications) could affect this.


Although this case pertains to social media, it underscores the importance of the provider's terms in determining account inheritability.Practical Considerations

Access to the Account: If the online casino account is password-protected and no one else has access, heirs may face challenges in accessing the funds. Without knowledge of the account credentials, retrieving the funds could be difficult.

Provider's Terms and Conditions: The terms of service of the online casino may specify what happens to account balances upon the account holder's death. Some providers might have clauses that terminate the account upon death, while others may allow for the transfer of funds to heirs.


Review Terms of Service: It's advisable to examine the terms and conditions of the specific online casino to understand their policies regarding account balances after death.

Legal Consultation: Consulting with a legal professional experienced in German inheritance law can provide clarity on the rights of heirs concerning digital assets and any potential legal avenues to access the funds.

Documentation: Maintaining records of all online accounts, including usernames and passwords, in a secure location can assist heirs in managing digital assets after one's passing.

Given the complexities surrounding digital assets and varying policies of online service providers, proactive measures and professional legal advice are essential to ensure that such assets are appropriately managed and transferred according to the account holder's wishes.

Hope it help 😉

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