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Rtp and wins

2 år siden af nedimtekbas
3.971 visninger 1 svar |
2 år siden

1.How the rtp and chance for winings works in online casinos and games. İn a real casino you choose machine and play, somebody can win there good or lost big, this can change your luck, in the online casino the rtp for o e game works for all players who play this game or works for only my ıd?

2. İf i get a big win on one game, is t possible to win again big or more bigger on the some game if i play another time, or the providers keep your records of wining and losses and the game reacts depends on this?

3.related to this when a new game comes and you play generally it gives you good, and show you the most features of game, and next time you visit never same, so this means they change something in the computer and online atmosphere, which means not only housedge you also fighting against some ekstra touches to sytem which make me feel very unsafe, bad and despair

2 år siden

Hello, maybe you'll find this article useful:


1 - it does not matter how many players play at the same time

2 - it's a game of math and random generator, although the RTP is always under 100% so in the long term you will lose.

3 - can't imagine how could they possibly achieve this.

Hope it helps a bit, you can always play the game in free mode for a few hours to get a better picture of how it spins. We have a whole section here.

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