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20 bet withdraw

2 år siden af luppoqwe
3.897 visninger 1 svar |
2 år siden

Dear, Good morning!

I want to tell sorry already for my english. U know we learning every day and improving so today i try to use my best! Sorry for it.

U are my last hope guys! I'm already fighting with 20 bet 1,5 month. But let's start from the begin.

I think at July when first time deposited to the site and played a little bit but i want to try if they can scam me or not so i do a withdraw. At this days they dont accept mastercard to withdraw so i used Sticpay (never heard about this before). Its worked very well tooked like 3 min and i get my money also i did my verfication and everything. So i thinked if they don't scammed me is a good site so i deposited again and again.Then i saw they have option to pay out for mastercard so i just go and i want to get my money and i started a withdraw. I get rejected, please verify your self so i start uploading again my documents i mean all of them they asked for my bank card front and back side my id my address card etc. etc and its fine till we get to proof of address and my name. Yes i made a mistake i know for my autofiller filled it out and my name is Norbert but filler is writed Norbi. I writed to the support, yes we let a nofication for the withdraw department and u dont have problem from it and then proof of address is comed. All of the Utility bills is come for my Wife name so i really have nothing. I uploaded document from my goverment iss rejected Bank statemant is rejected also i deposited only for this for they can see they bank name my bank name my name address and everything. But its also rejected. Phone bill rejected. So i dont have more option what can i upload but i get rejected with everything. I really hope guys u can help on me.

If u need some photos please let me know where i can send it and i will do!

Thanks for u read it!

Have a great day


2 år siden

Hello there,

do I get it correctly that this Sticpay (I too have never heard of this one before) is not an option anymore because you're stuck with the verification triggered by your MasterCard-associated withdrawal?

I just want to be sure.

I think that it would be best if you can submit a complaint, we offer support for players in similar situations and observe such cases closely.

Feel free to submit the complaint by clicking/tapping this link. Please upload all relevant information and communications with the casino, you can also provide us with those documents you have already provided to the casino.

I believe that some other people may also find it difficult o provide utility bills or even proof of address because somebody else pays the bills and they simply moved to a different city district and their ID and bank statements always shows the permanent address only.

I hope we will be able to advise and help you.

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