Den sidste besked fra B7 casino i dag:
"Hilsen E****
Vi kontakter dig vedrørende det problem, du tidligere har rettet os med.
Som tidligere nævnt - Tilgængeligheden af tjenesterne kan ikke opfattes som et tilbud eller en invitation fra os til at bruge tjenesterne i et land, hvor sådan brug er ulovlig. Som tidligere nævnt skal enhver information, du giver til kasinoet, være sand, fuldstændig og korrekt, hvis denne betingelse ikke er opfyldt, kan gevinster blive konfiskeret på grund af falsk information. Dit udbetalingsbeløb var mere end indbetalingsbeløbet, der er ingen grund til tilbagebetaling. Tak for din forståelse, og du er velkommen til at kontakte os igen, når der opstår et problem!
Venlig hilsen,
Support team"
Mit svar pĂĄ deres mail:
Godaften B7,
Sikke meget pjat, B7 Casino er ulovligt i hele Europa, man tillader spillere fra udelukkede lande at oprette en konto og indbetale penge, men nĂĄr man skal udbetale, er det pludselig spillerens skyld. SĂĄdan fungerer det ikke, og det er ogsĂĄ strafbart.
Jeg har ikke indtastet falske bopælsoplysninger, og i så fald bevis det, men det gør du ikke, for det kender du selv svaret på.
Casino Guru vil gerne kontakte dig angĂĄende denne sag..
Med venlig hilsen
De forsøger nu virkelig ikke at betale spillere fra forskellige europæiske lande ved at indikere, at deres tjenester er forbudt i registreringslandet, dette er ikke spillerens skyld, men casinoets skyld!
The last message from B7 casino today :
"Greetings E****
We are contacting you regarding the issue you've addressed us with previously.
As was stated previously - The availability of the services cannot be construed as an offer or invitation by us to use the services in a country where such use is illegal. Also as stated earlier, any information you provide to the Casino must be true, complete and correct, if this condition is not met, winnings may be confiscated due to false information. Your withdrawal amount was more than the deposit amount, there is no reason for a refund. Thank you for your understanding and feel free to contact us anew whenever an issue occurs!
Best regards,
Support Team"
My response at their email :
Good Evening B7,
What a lot of nonsense, B7 Casino is illegal throughout Europe, you allow players from excluded countries to create an account and deposit money, but when you have to pay out, it is suddenly the player's fault. It doesn't work that way and it is also punishable.
I have not entered any false residence details, and if so, prove it, but you will not do that because you know the answer to that yourself.
Casino Guru would like to contact you regarding this matter..
They are now really trying not to pay players from various European countries by indicating that their services are prohibited in the country of registration, this is not the fault of the player but of the casino!
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