HjemForumKlagesagerBruger blokerede Mystake

Bruger blokerede Mystake

2 år siden af agustinzegarraZ
6.583 visninger 13 svar |
2 år siden

Hej, jeg vil gerne fortælle dig, at min Mystake-konto er blevet spærret efter at have foretaget en hævning, der aldrig ankom, min konto er verificeret, pengene, der blev indtastet på kontoen, var gennem binance, jeg vil gerne vide et svar på, hvorfor dette har blevet gjort, og hvis der allerede er en løsning, som var den første transaktion på 80 dollars

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden


I'm sorry but I can't tell you the reason, maybe your account is under some investigation now. I'd ask the casino. If somebody closed your account you should be told the reason.

$80 was deposited, please?

Anyway, try to ask their live chat or use this email: Support@Mystake.Com

This is a decent casino so I expect you'll get some explanation.

Let us know what you learn.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 år siden
2 år siden

Godmorgen, hvis dette er e-mailen: support@mystake.com, jeg sendte en e-mail for 5 dage siden, og jeg har stadig ikke modtaget et svar, bekræft, om e-mailen er korrekt, og jeg kan forklare, hvordan jeg kan anmode om en live chat , Jeg vil værdsætte det

Redigeret af forfatter 2 år siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden


Sadly, I thought that this email won't help you much.

Anyway, to enter the chat just click on the blue "message" symbol in the right lower corner and fill in the form to start the chat:


Let me know if you managed to get in touch with the staff, please.

2 år siden

Ja, jeg var i stand til at kontakte dem og fortælle dem, og de bad mig vente på, at deres støttegruppe svarede mig, så jeg måtte vente, mange tak alligevel

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden


that's good. 

If you happen to have a problem, just come back here and let us know. I hope it will be alright. 😉

2 år siden

Hej, jeg kontakter dig igen for at se, om du kan hjælpe mig med dette problem, som stadig er uløst, i 6 måneder har du altid fortalt mig, at dit team vil verificere mit problem, for at være tålmodig, men det har været 6 måneder! Hvordan det går Jeg foretrækker en tilbagebetaling af mine 20 usd

Redigeret af forfatter 2 år siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

If you problem still persists even after 6 months, have you considered submitting a complaint on our website?

2 år siden

Jeg har overvejet det, hvis jeg indgiver en klage, hvordan hjælper det min sag?

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Well, without a complaint, there is no case.

The process is quite simple, if you need help - like I believe you do now, submit a complaint here and a member of our complaint team will be assigned to it and will try to investigate the matter. If you do not submit a complaint, no actions will be taken. Kindly acknowledge that this is a forum, we're just chatting here, not solving any complaints. 🙂

1 år siden

Hej jeg også, min konto blev også blokeret uden grund

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hello and thank you for your post. I have seen that you've opened a complaint here with our team, which was really wise. They will surely do their best to help you out as much they can. It is of course not entirely in their hands, as the casino needs to show up their will, I could say, to cooperate. From your complaint I can understand that no one has explained to you why actually they have blocked your account. This could be taken as not very responsible from the support, one could say, even though it is quite often a way the online casinos work whenever comes to additional checks or some kind of investigation. For now, there is unfortunately nothing much to do, just to wait for any updates from our complaint team, or even, hopefully, from the casino. If you have got any new information regarding the case, please let us know 🙏.

9 måneder siden

Hej Romi, jeg ville vide, om du kunne hjælpe mig, der er gået 6 måneder, og jeg har stadig ikke modtaget opdateringer fra casinoet, hvad kan jeg gøre? Du afviste min klage, fordi den involverede sportsvæddemål. Men alle mine gevinster skulle have været lovlige. Satser godt, jeg forstår det ikke. Hjælp mig

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Hello. I'm sorry that we had to reject your complaint. We don't have a branch dealing with sports betting yet, but I can suggest three websites that do:




I hope they will be able to help you with your issue. Please understand that we wouldn't be able to advise you correctly as we don't have enough insight on sports betting, and we wouldn't be able to competently judge all the pros and cons.

Please let us know whether you're able to find any solution to your case.

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