I henhold til hvad jeg ser her, oprettede du 7 klager.
I dette tilfælde klagede du over manglende tilbagetrækningsmetoder for finnerne. Baseret på din klage tillod vi, at der blev vist en særlig sætning på finsk for alle spillere, der kom fra Finland og advarede dem. Du har indrømmet, at du kan se det på hjemmesiden.
I dette tilfælde var du ikke glad for høje udbetalingsgebyrer (3 euro). Baseret på din klage tilføjede vi disse oplysninger til casinovurderingen.
I dette tilfælde klagede du over et casino, der ikke skulle acceptere spillere fra Finland ifølge oplysningerne på vores hjemmeside. Vi kontaktede casinoet, og casinoet sagde, at spillerne fra Finland accepteres. Derefter opdaterede vi oplysningerne på vores hjemmeside.
Denne gang klagede du over at modtage reklamemateriale fra et casino. Vi kontaktede casinoet, og casinoet bekræftede, at de fjernede dig fra e-mail-nyhedsbrevet og SMS-listen.
I dette tilfælde klagede du generelt over, at kasinoet er dårligt. Du sagde også "Hej, det er ikke klager endnu. Jeg vil bare dele dårlig erfaring" Du sagde også, at vi skulle tilføje en info til anmeldelsen, der underrettede spillerne om meget lang tilbagetrækningsproces (1 uge). Da det ikke var en klage, og en uge ikke var en lang tilbagetrækningsproces, blev den afvist.
I dette tilfælde klagede du over, at du ikke kan trække dig tilbage til dit kort. Derefter bekræftede du, at du modtog dine gevinster, men du krævede at give nogle minuspoint til casinoet. Kasinoets samlede vurdering er baseret på mange faktorer (inkluderet tilgængelige betalingsmetoder), så der var ingen grund til at tilføje yderligere minuspoint.
Og endelig den sidste sag. Jeg læste udskriften med casinoagenten. Jeg kan være enig i, at han ikke skal bede dig om at foretage en anden indbetaling. På den anden side var du uhøflig over for ham.
Under alle omstændigheder er den vigtige faktor, at du klagede over dit tabte 200 EUR, men så bekræftede du, at du ikke foretog et depositum efter samtalen med agenten, og at du ikke bad dem om at lukke din konto. Så dybest set spillede du i casinoet, tabte penge, og da agenten ikke behandlede dig som forventet, ville du have dine tabte penge tilbage.
Endnu en gang mener jeg, at agenten burde nærme sig dette anderledes, men der var ingen berettiget grund til at tilbagebetale dig de 200 EUR, som du mistede tidligere.
"Jeg klager over 4 eller 5 for nogle kasinoer om mærkelig opførsel fra Casino eller Casino support. Casino Guru annullerer dem alle."
For at opsummere det oprettede du 7 klager, i et tilfælde sagde du, at det ikke engang er en klage. Det er i alt 6 klager, hvor 3 af dem blev markeret som berettigede, så hvad taler du om?
"Så jeg er træt af at bruge dette websted længere, fordi det ikke hjælper mig, eller hvis jeg vil advare andre spillere fra nogle kasinoer."
Du ville advare spillere? Vi har ændret informationen i casinoanmeldelsen flere gange baseret på dine klager, vi viser endda en sætning, som du oprettede udelukkende for at advare spillere fra Finland, men det er stadig ikke nok?
Under alle omstændigheder er vi taknemmelige for enhver nyttig feedback fra spillere, og vi ændrer ofte hjemmesiden baseret på de oplysninger, vi modtager fra dem - det er det, der skete i din sag flere gange.
Vi forbereder også brugeranmeldelser, der vil være synlige på casinoets gennemgangsside, så alt, hvad der ikke er en klage, men det vil være noget, du gerne vil dele med andre om casinoet, du kan skrive det der.
According to what I see here, you created 7 complaints.
In this case, you complained about lacking withdrawal methods for Finns. Based on your complaint, we allowed a special sentence in Finnish to display to all players coming from Finland and warning them. You confrimed that you can see it on the website.
In this case, you weren't happy about high withdrawal fees (3eur). Based on your complaint, we added this information into the casino review.
In this case, you complained about a casino that shouldn't accept players from Finland according to information on our website. We contacted the casino and the casino said that the players from Finland are accepted. Then we updated the information on our website.
This time, you were complaining about receiving promotional materials from a casino. We contacted the casino and the casino confirmed that they removed you from the email newsletter and SMS list.
In this case, you generally complained that the casino is bad. You also said "Hi, thats not complain yet. I just wanna share bad experience" You also said that we should add an info into the review notifying players about very long withdrawal process (1 week). Since it wasn't a complaint and one week isn't a long withdrawal process, it was declined.
In this case, you complained that you can't withdraw back to you card. Then you confirmed that you received your winnings, but you required to give some minus points to the casino. The casino's overall rating is based on many factors (available payment methods included), so there was no reason to add additional minus points.
And finally the last case. I read the transcript with the casino agent. I can agree that he shouldn't tell you to make another deposit. On the other hand, you were rude to him.
Anyway, the important factor is that you complained about your 200 EUR lost, but then you confirmed that you didn't make a deposit after the conversation with the agent and you didn't ask them to close your account. So basically you played in the casino, lost money and then when the agent didn't treat you as you expected, you wanted your lost money back.
Once again, I believe the agent should approach this differently, but there was no justified reason to refund you the 200 EUR that you lost earlier.
"I make 4 or 5 complaint some casinos about strange behavior from Casino or Casino support. Casino Guru cancel them all."
To sum it up, you created 7 complaints, in one case, you said it's not even a complaint. That's 6 complaints in total where 3 of them were marked as justified so what are you talking about?
"So i am tired to use this site anymore because its not helping me or if i wanna warning other players from some casino's."
You wanted to warn players? We changed the info in the casino review multiple times based on your complaints, we even display a sentence that you created exclusively to warn players from Finland, but it's still not enough?
Anyway, we're grateful for any helpful feedback from players and we often change the website based on the information that we receive from them - that's what happened in your case numerous times.
We also prepare user reviews that will be visible on the casino's review page so anything that won't be a complaint, but it will be something you like to share with others about the casino, you'll be able to write it there.
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