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Casino måner, uendelige tilbagetrækninger

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I requested withdrawal last Monday

Today I have it again in balance, why?


Hello, your withdraw request has been cancelled because of the missing voucher for Credit Card ending in 2335


I have the card verified


you need to provide the required voucher for that card


voucher? what proof

Proof of transaction?

It is a digital transaction, what proof do I have?


I will send you now the document to the required vouicher




And what should I do with this?


You need to print it out, fill it in for the card 2335, and send it via

email to security@casinomoons.com


I must do this every time I make a deposit


No it's requested on this withdrawal only


When I request a withdrawal again, they will ask me for more

Do I have to make a deposit again to withdraw?

Is this casino in a third world country?


Dwayne has disconnected.




Please you need to send the missing voucher for Bank card ending in 2335

then make a new withdraw request please


here is the voucher form



Greetings from Spain


Please contact us in case you need anything. We are here 24/7 to assist you.


Redigeret af forfatter

They told you what to do:

"You need to print it out, fill it in for the card 2335, and send it via

email to security@casinomoons.com"

They also said that you won't need to do it for future withdrawals and you replied:

"When I request a withdrawal again, they will ask me for more

Do I have to make a deposit again to withdraw?

Is this casino in a third world country?"

So what's the problem? You obviously need to fill the document in order to get the money.

Jeg vedlægger skærmbillede, hvor de gav mig kortet verificeret, hvorfor beder de mig om noget, de allerede har?

Jeg vil uden tvivl prøve igen

Automatisk oversættelse:

So you've already sent them the screenshot of the printed voucher?

Ja, jeg sendte dem det dokument, de anmodede om via e-mail, de svarede, at alt var korrekt, jeg har anmodet om en tilbagetrækning igen

I BlackDiamond, der ser ud til at være fra den samme gruppe, spurgte jeg gennem chatten, om de havde brug for flere dokumenter. De svarede, at alt var korrekt, at jeg kunne anmode om tilbagetrækning ... i løbet af en uge satser jeg på, at de beder mig om det samme dokument.

Automatisk oversættelse:

So when they asked you for the same document again, can't you just find the email in "Sent" emails folder and resend it again?

What I'm trying to explain is the fact that it's always better to cooperate and do what they ask for and get your winnings. When you finally get the money, you can decide whether you like their approach or not. If you don't like it, you can take your money and find another casino.

Redigeret af forfatter

I have been waiting since May 28 for my winnings. I sent everything they asked for and now they do not respond to me. I am so fed up.

Goddag, desværre for anden gang stjæler de af moons casino mine penge. Denne gang har jeg 100% ret, jeg spillede onsdag den 3. august og torsdag den 4. august med de penge tilbage (42 euro) jeg klarede efter 3 -4 dage for at vinde 1200 euro, og jeg bad om en hævning, vi gik i lang tid, og efter 10- + 2 dage fortalte de mig, at jeg havde den forkerte anmodning, fordi jeg satte bitcoins, og jeg er nødt til at ændre dataene, jeg ændrede min neteller konto og var i pisto med 1200 euro, efter at fs-tilbuddet kom ud, og jeg vandt igen, og konsulterende chat fortalte de mig, at jeg kan få 200 euro givet mit niveau, jeg lagde en anden anmodning om 200, så fortalte de mig i dag, at de betal mig kun 200, fordi jeg vinder det kommer fra fs, .a og et fupnummer, fordi sejren var den anden og den første var cash back, du kan hjælpe mig, jeg er virkelig desperat, tak

Automatisk oversættelse:


I can see that you've submitted a complaint already. I guess that we would need to learn more about the bonus terms in order to sort things out. In general, sometimes the bonus ends with successful withdrawal rather than the conditions like wagering. Anyway from what learned from your complaint those free spins that caused trouble were offered to you after you submitted several withdrawal attempts.

Well, I think we would need more details from the casino about how the bonus funds are handled in this case.

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