Kære Grant,
Jeg skriver denne besked for at informere dig om, at dette vil være mit sidste svar i denne sag. Lad os opsummere hele situationen en sidste gang. Du spillede spillet "Coinflip" på kasinoet og oplevede betydelig succes, hvor du vandt et betydeligt beløb. Dette skyldtes en fejl eller teknisk fejl i spillet. Denne fejl kostede kasinoet mange penge, da adskillige udbetalinger fra andre spillere gik igennem. Som følge heraf var kasinoet ikke i stand til at fungere korrekt i en varighed på over otte timer. Jeg forstår den frustration, du må have følt, da du så din kontosaldo pludselig forsvinde, på trods af at du først så et betydeligt beløb. Ikke desto mindre er det almindeligt, at kasinoer har vilkår og betingelser for at beskytte sig selv under sådanne omstændigheder. I dette tilfælde er det følgende udtryk:
"4.10. BC.GAME forbeholder sig retten til at erklære et væddemål ugyldigt helt eller delvist, hvis BC.GAME efter eget skøn ville finde det indlysende, at en af følgende omstændigheder har fundet sted:
4.10.4. Der er blevet placeret indsatser, som ellers ikke ville være blevet accepteret, men som blev accepteret i perioder, hvor hjemmesiden har været ramt af tekniske problemer.
4.10.5. På grund af en fejl, såsom en trykfejl, teknisk fejl, force majeure eller andet, er indsatser blevet tilbudt, placeret og eller accepteret på grund af denne fejl."
Den eneste grund til, at din klage ikke blev afvist, og du blev rådet til at kontakte spillemyndigheden, er, fordi kasinoet ikke var i besiddelse af en erklæring fra en spiludbyder, som vi normalt anmoder om i sådanne situationer, fordi det spil, du spillede, var kasinoets originale spil. . Da afgørelsen fra CIL ikke favoriserede dit krav, er jeg bange for, at din klage nu vil blive afvist. På trods af, at vi er uenige i tilsynsmyndighedens beslutning i fortiden, befinder vi os i en position, hvor vi må acceptere den denne gang. Som tidligere forklaret, skal kasinoer have en måde at beskytte sig selv i tilfælde af softwarefejl for at undgå økonomisk ruin. Jeg forstår din beslutning om at søge juridisk bistand, og selvom jeg sympatiserer, må jeg udtrykke min skepsis med hensyn til dine chancer for succes. Tak, fordi du bruger klagebehandlingscentret, og ønsker dig held og lykke.
Med venlig hilsen,
Dear Grant,
I am writing this message to inform you that this will be my final response on this matter. Let's recap the entire situation one last time. You played the game "Coinflip" at the casino and experienced significant success, winning a substantial amount of money. This was due to a bug or technical error in the game. This error cost the casino lots of money as numerous withdrawals by other players went through. Consequently, the casino was unable to function properly for a duration of over eight hours. I understand the frustration you must have felt when you saw your account balance disappear suddenly, despite initially seeing a considerable amount. Nevertheless, it is common for casinos to have terms and conditions in place to safeguard themselves in such circumstances. In this case, it's the following term:
"4.10. BC.GAME reserves the right to declare a wager void partially or in full if BC.GAME, at its own discretion, would deem it obvious that any of the following circumstances have occurred:
4.10.4. Wagers have been placed that would not have been accepted otherwise, but that were accepted during periods when the website have been affected by technical problems.
4.10.5. Due to an error, such as a, misprint, technical error, force majeure or otherwise, wagers have been offered, placed and or accepted due to this error."
The sole reason why your complaint was not rejected outright and you were advised to contact the gaming authority is because the casino did not possess a statement from a game provider, as we usually request in such situations because the game you played was the casino's original game. As the decision reached by the CIL did not favor your claim, I'm afraid your complaint will now be rejected. Despite disagreeing with the regulator's decision in the past, we find ourselves in a position where we must accept it this time. As previously explained, casinos must have a way to protect themselves in cases of software failures to avoid facing financial ruin. I understand your decision to seek legal assistance, and though I sympathize, I must express my skepticism regarding your chances of success. Thank you for using the complaint resolution center and wish you good luck.
Best regards,
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