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Ice casino delaying withdrawal (side 2)

2 ĂĄr siden af ginspirationnz
8.971 visninger 25 svar |
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11 mĂĄneder siden

Hi, I would ask you to be more specific when you write something. I understand absolutely nothing of what you have said and it makes no sense. 

So if you want to comment on the casino you wrote this under, feel free, but I would ask you not to spam such posts. 

Thank you 🙂

11 mĂĄneder siden

Hej, jeg venter stadig på mit tilbagetræknings-KYC-tjek, jeg har det godkendt, men der sker ikke noget med tilbagetrækningen, og det kaldes ufuldstændigt

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11 mĂĄneder siden

Hello. As we have no information about the accounts of any players in the casinos, could you be more specific please? How long ago have you asked for the withdrawal? Have you had any successful withdrawal with this particular casino before?

11 mĂĄneder siden

Of course, I play on Ice casino, and I have one withdrawal, and now I am waiting for five day and nothing new, only answer with their paragraph

11 mĂĄneder siden

And what does the casino give you as a reason why you still don't have your money ? We give casinos 14 days to resolve withdrawals, so I guess it's probably not so bad if the casino communicates with you. 

Anyway, when you say that you had a withdrawal in this casino before, how long did it last ?  

11 mĂĄneder siden

And what does the casino give you as a reason why you still don't have your money ? We give casinos 14 days to resolve withdrawals, so I guess it's probably not so bad if the casino communicates with you. 

Anyway, when you say that you had a withdrawal in this casino before, how long did it last ?  

11 mĂĄneder siden

It’s okay, I have a half of my withdrawal now. Thanks

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