prøv at falde til ro, tak. Klageteamet vil undersøge det.
Bemærk venligst, at det er ret uklogt at registrere mere end én konto, da du kan se, at det er en overtrædelse af terma og betingelser. Brug altid kun én konto til at spille i casinoet, så du kan spare dig selv for en sådan ubehagelig oplevelse 🙏.
Hovedpointen er, om du opnåede eller ikke opnåede nogen uretfærdig fordel i forhold til kasinoet ved at bryde denne regel, det er hvad holdet vil forsøge at finde ud af.
Tidligere blev denne specifikke regel lavet for at beskytte casino mod bonusjægere, men den er også almindeligt brugt mod casual spillere, læs mere om det her .
Tillad mig at citere her:
" Bemærk: Opret venligst ikke mere end 1 konto i 1 casino! Du vil aldrig nogensinde blive betalt alligevel, og du kan pisse kasinoet af, og de kan stoppe med at give denne bonus i fremtiden. Da jeg spurgte affiliate managers, hvorfor de gør fordi de ikke ønsker at give bonusser til spillere fra visse lande, svarede de, at de havde mange spillere fra nogle lande med 10-20 konti. De behøvede ikke at betale for gevinster, men de skulle betale til spiludbyderen for de gratis spins alligevel. "
Jeg ønsker dig et rimeligt resultat med klagen 🤞
try to calm down, please. The complaint team will look into it.
Kindly note that it is quite unwise to register more than one account, as you can see it is a vialotion of terma and conditins. Always use only one account to play in the casino, so you can spare yourself such unpleasant experience 🙏.
The main point is whether you gained or did not gain any unfair advantage over the casino by breaching this rule, this is what the team will try to find out.
In the past, this specific rule was made to protect casino against bonus hunters, but it's commonly used against casual players as well, read more about that here.
Allow me to quote here:
"Note: Please don’t create more than 1 account in 1 casino! You’ll never ever get paid anyway and you can piss the casino off and they may stop giving this bonus in the future. When I asked affiliate managers why they don’t want to give bonuses to players from certain countries, they replied that they had a lot of players from some countries with 10-20 accounts. They didn’t have to pay for any wins but they had to pay to the game provider for the free spins anyway."
I wish you fair result with the complaint 🤞
Redigeret af forfatter 2 år siden
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