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Kontrol af spilkontoen

3 år siden af Djamil
3.611 visninger 10 svar |
3 år siden

Jeg er interesseret i spørgsmålet om at kontrollere kontoen. Hvordan og hvornår kontrollerer kontoen? Hvis checken er bestået, hvor lang tid er den gyldig? Hvor mange gange om året har du brug for at opdatere dokumenter?

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

Stil jeg hårde spørgsmål?

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

Daniel. tage lidt tid, besvar venligst mit spørgsmål. Du er ekspert på dette område.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

I was about to go to sleep, but I can reply to this...

Generally speaking, casinos sometimes use their own tools or external software to check for potential bonus abusers and multiple account holders. These tools can simply check your name, address, phone number, IP address etc.

Then the next account check is usually done manually once you request your 1st withdrawal in the casino. If the check is passed, then it's usually valid until one of the following happens: your ID expires, your card expires, you use a new payment method that hasn't been verified before.

There are also moments when your account can get "flagged" for some reason so the casino requests additional check (selfie with ID, verification call etc.). The account can get flagged even if you don't do anything wrong, but let's say there's a new player in the casino who uses the same name as yours, the same IP address, same device etc. Then the casino wants to be 100% sure that these 2 persons using "the same IP, device, name or anything else" are 2 different persons.

Basically if you play, your ID and card are valid and you don't use any other payment methods, then there's a high possibility that you shouldn't need to verify your account again during the same year.

3 år siden

Du har glemt at tilføje endnu en vare. Jeg tager friheden til at tilføje det til dig.

..Du vil ikke blive rørt, hvis du ikke vinder.

Så snart du vinder. Du får ikke penge bare sådan.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

,, potentielle krænkere af bonusser ,,

Jeg forstår ikke dette udtryk. Spilleren kan kun tage de bonusser, som casinoet tilbyder ham. Selv kan han ikke trække nogen bonus. Og det betyder, at kasinoet provokerer spilleren til at bryde reglerne.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

You say: "You will not be touched if you do not win"

That's exactly what I said. The check usually comes after your first win in the casino.

Regarding the bonuses and bonus abusers. We have very similar approach towards bonuses in CasinoGuru. We claim that if a casino offers you a bonus or they even add a bonus on your account, then the bonus is yours and you have right to play with it.

But some casinos track how many bonuses you took compared to your deposit and they also track how you played with these bonuses. For example, there are players who take a bonus money, play a game until they reach an internal bonus game or free spins and they close the game immediately. They do this on 10 or even more games until they lose all the bonus money. Then they make a minimum deposit and finish the game rounds on all of the games they left before. In that case, the winnings won't be bonus money, but they'll be real money immediately. This is considered to be a bonus abuse and the winnings are voided in this case.

There are casinos, especially in USA, that have their bonuses based on "chip codes". You can find plenty of these codes online or even on the casino's website and these codes give you bonus money. These codes always have simple rules. They say that you can't use more than 1 code at a time and you need to make a deposit until you use another one. Some players just use 10 codes in a row without making a single deposit which means a breach of rules and then the winnings are voided for bonus abuse as well.

3 år siden

"Du bliver ikke rørt, hvis du ikke vinder"

Dette er præcis, hvad jeg sagde. Checken kommer normalt efter din første sejr i casinoet. "

Vi forstod igen ikke hinanden. Jeg mente, at det sker hele tiden. Efter at have vundet, og det betyder ikke noget første gang du vandt eller de hundrede og første. Og jo oftere du vinder, bliver niggles og gimmicks fra casinoet mere og mere absurd.

Redigeret af forfatter 3 år siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

But that shouldn't happen in every casino. There are really casinos where you're fine after you verify your account before the first withdrawal and that's it.

If the casino asked me to verify something else every time I requested a withdrawal, then I'd simply stop playing there.

3 år siden

Selvfølgelig burde dette ikke ske. Men dette er tilfældet. Jeg har endnu ikke mødt et casino, hvor de bare gav mig penge for hver gevinst uden nuancer.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

Honestly, that's strange. Try to ask other players. I'd bet that they don't have similar issues. Of course, sometimes you really have hard time in a casino, they try request something every time you ask for the withdrawal, but then the only option is to take your money and leave the casino.

It must be very annoying to go trough some verification process every time you ask for the withdrawal.

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