HjemForumKlagesagerKYC Verification not

KYC Verification not

9 måneder siden af ceartistic
1.453 visninger 5 svar |
9 måneder siden

Hi. I saw this on this site. This is happen me too now. They dont want to verification so I can get my money.

"They tell me that every time my documents are not compliant and they again suggest documents, bank statements etc.. more than that I don't know what to send them, do they want DNA proof?.

 My withdrawals have been old for a long time with the long times each time for verification (with all necessary documents sent) I was denied my withdrawals every time until I played it again.. after a month I played boast again and I won 300 and I continued with the recall they ask me for documents again to make the withdrawal. I sent them the requested details they make me wait for approval for the verification they did and every time I wait without completing anything.. now because I have lost my patience and I don't want to play mine again, I wanted to make the complaint because I I feel cheated. Then if I contact the online agents of the site they always tell me the same answer that I have to wait etc. And now I want my money because I have sent all the documents I have done all the checks and they still insist not to proceed with the verification at this point team I feel cheated because they don't want to continue with the verification to keep the money in the account and play it back to me, that's what they do and wait."

I want my money. I play for 700 euro much money but I won 3300 euro. I want it. The worst is I need my 700 euro and the other I deserve when I won.file

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9 måneder siden

I am from Sweden but dont know with country this forum is for.

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9 måneder siden

Vær venlig at hjælpe mig. Jeg spillede for 700 euro, som jeg knap havde og vandt, så jeg har 3300 euro på min konto. Jeg har ikke tænkt mig at afspille dem igen, og jeg har ikke tænkt mig at give op. Jeg har sendt alle de nødvendige dokumenter adskillige gange, og de forsinker det hele. Jeg vil ikke spille de penge, og jeg vil beholde dem på min konto med eller uden gevinst.

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Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Verde casino er det, jeg spiller på.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Nogen der har tips? Dette er sket før, og jeg ventede og spillede det op, men denne gang, nej, jeg giver ikke op. Jeg har fået mit liv til et vidunderligt sted i dag, og 3300 euro ville betale en kredit fra en uheldig økonomisk situation, hvor jeg satsede 700 euro og lykkedes. Kan du indstille dit casino til at svine med sine kunder, eller hvad kan jeg gøre? KYC-dokumenterne er korrekte.

Redigeret af forfatter 9 måneder siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Hello and thank you for your posts. I would like to start with answering you the question, who is this forum for. It is for everyone interested in fair online gambling, actually, and it doesn't matter which country are you from. Feel free even to write in your language, as we use the auto translator here, on our site.

The situation you have described seems kind a frustrating, indeed. Have you got any explanation from the casino, what is the reason for not finishing the verification of your account, perhaps? Is there any document missing, or is there any other problem? When exactly have you ask for the withdrawal, please? We will try to help you out, just need to know few more details. Please get back to us as soon as possible, so we could be able to push your verification further.

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