Så tror jeg, at det vil være vigtigt for dig at bruge midlerne til at bekræfte transaktionen i fremtiden. I internetalderen, hvis de forsøger at udnytte dig, ved du i det mindste om det og kan handle. På den måde kan man ikke bevise noget, man skriver det bare, som det var, og det synes jeg ikke er nok.
Hvis du gik til politiet og sagde, at dine penge var blevet stjålet, ville politiet også stille dig spørgsmål, og hvis du ikke kunne bevise noget, gad vide hvordan det ville være blevet.
Jeg forsøger absolut ikke at dække kasinoet, og jeg tager det ikke let på det, for hvis jeg selv var i den situation, ville jeg være nervøs, og jeg ville forsøge at gøre alt, hvad jeg kunne, for at få det ordnet.
Du ignorerede de andre ting, jeg spurgte dig om, kontaktede du banken, at du havde dette problem og forsøgte at kommunikere med dem om tilbageførslen? Har du også haft kommunikation med casinoet, hvor de lovede dig en refusion?
Then I think using the means to verify the transaction in the future will be important for you. In the internet age, if they try to take advantage of you, at least you know about it and can act. This way you can't prove anything, you just write it as it was, and I don't think that's enough.
If you went to the police and said your money had been stolen, the police would also ask you questions and if you couldn't prove anything, I wonder how it would have turned out.
I'm absolutely not trying to cover the casino and I don't take it lightly because if I was in that situation myself, I would be nervous and I would try to do everything I could to get it sorted out.
You ignored the other things I asked you, did you contact the bank that you had this problem and try to communicate with them about the chargeback? Have you also had communication with the casino where they promised you a refund?
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