HjemForumKlagesagerPokerStars blokerede min konto uden grund

PokerStars blokerede min konto uden grund

1 år siden af Cabecha19
3.026 visninger 18 svar |
1 år siden

I juni i år besluttede jeg at genbruge min PokerStars-konto, der blev registreret for år siden, med den hensigt at spille på deres casino. Min idé var at spille BlackJack, som er det spil, jeg godt kan lide. Jeg lavede flere indbetalinger, den første på 1000 usd, en anden på 200 usd, en anden på 628.

Den 17. juni blev jeg bedt om at bekræfte min konto ved at sende mine dokumenter, hvilket jeg gjorde med det samme. De bad mig endda om screenshots af de anvendte indbetalingsmetoder, som jeg også sendte, som beviser, at jeg har fuldt verificerede konti på både Skrill og Neteller. De blev godkendt, og de låste op for den konto, der var blevet begrænset, indtil jeg sendte dokumentationen.

Da de bekræftede, at alt var perfekt, foretog jeg flere indskud og nåede i alt omkring 15 tusind USD.

Jeg havde en meget god streak, og jeg formåede at samle en masse penge på min konto i de dage, og jeg anmodede om en hævning på 20 tusind USD. Det var der, mit problem begyndte, siden de først begrænsede mine udbetalinger og indbetalinger, indtil jeg sendte dokumenter igen (de anmodede kun om en ny opdateret forbrugsregning for min adresse, da de sagde, at de allerede havde mit ID, og det blev godkendt).

Det mest usædvanlige er, at undskyldningen var, at "på grund af mængden af udbetalinger, jeg havde foretaget fra min konto", begrænsede de mig fra at undersøge det, da jeg kun havde foretaget indbetalinger, og dette var min første udbetaling. Jeg sendte alle de ønskede dokumenter, og fra da af blokerede de min konto fuldstændigt, og deres svar på mine e-mails er altid, at de undersøger og ikke kan give mig detaljer, at når undersøgelsen er afsluttet, vil de kontakte mig.

Jeg har haft min konto og penge spærret siden august. Da jeg ikke kan få adgang til min konto, kan jeg ikke huske det nøjagtige beløb, jeg havde på den, men det var omkring 97 tusind USD.

Jeg har af og til sendt e-mails, og det svar, jeg modtager, er altid det samme. De har aldrig givet mig selv den mindste forklaring på, hvad problemet er. Jeg overholdt at sende alt, hvad de bad om. Jeg kræver, at de giver mig lov til at hæve mine penge, selvom de også bør låse min konto helt op, da der ikke er en eneste grund til at beholde spærringen. Jeg har aldrig gjort noget forkert, og værelset blokerede mig bare for at ville foretage min første tilbagetrækning.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I've had some odd encounters with PokerStars as well. While your primary game is Blackjack, it might be beneficial to bring up your concern on this major poker forum:

Share as many screenshots and pieces of evidence as you can. There are several ambassadors on that forum, and hopefully, one of them will take notice.

Redigeret af Radka 1 år siden
Årsag: Forbudt link
1 år siden

Please keep in mind that you are not allowed to post links leading outside our widespread website unless it is necessary or may help users. Specifically, links to other forums are not welcomed. 🙂

This is a forum, isn't it?

There are certain terms I ask you to follow:


We appreciate your cooperation

1 år siden

My apologies for the oversight. I was simply trying to assist based on my background in poker and had no ulterior motives. Let's keep our discussions confined to this forum moving forward. Thanks for pointing it out! :)

1 år siden

Hello there.

I'm glad you managed to find our forum. More importantly, you also submitted a complaint, it matters the most. In such cases, we usually need the casino to respond and explain the whole situation fully. I think you have been far too patient, and it's time to get some answers. To achieve that, please visit your complaint again (use this link) to answer further questions we need to clarify in order to proceed.

I really hope our dedicated Complaint Team will find the issue because I have a feeling you too do not know what seems to be wrong, do you?

1 år siden

My apologies for the oversight. I was simply trying to assist based on my background in poker and had no ulterior motives. Let's keep our discussions confined to this forum moving forward. Thanks for pointing it out! :)

1 år siden

It happens 🙂 , don't worry.

Maybe you would like to know that Casino Guru created a project called Resolution Center, through which our specialized Complaint Team helps players for free.

Take a look here: https://casino.guru/complaints/all


1 år siden

Mange tak for din bekymring. Sandheden er, at jeg har prøvet alt i rummet, før jeg søgte hjælp udefra. Men de svarer ikke engang på mine seneste e-mails. De sender mig ikke længere den copy paste, at sagen er under gennemgang, og at de vil kontakte mig. Jeg har altid haft tillid til det rum. Jeg er meget overrasket over alt det, der sker for mig. Så fandt jeg dette forum og begyndte at læse, hvad der er sket med andre mennesker, og at der i flere tilfælde blev fundet en løsning. Det håber jeg også sker med mig.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I get it, most of the time a person probably first tries to solve everything on his own and then when he doesn't know how to go on, he asks for help. It's good that you found us, because we will try to help you. 

However, it's certainly not comfortable when the casino doesn't answer you and you don't know where you stand. I firmly believe that we will be able to resolve this case and that all will be well in the end. If you have any new information, feel free to update us in your complaint and feel free to post it here on the forum. For now, we have to wait and see where our team gets with your information. Fingers crossed. 🤞

1 år siden

Jeg opdaterer tråden: Værelset låste ikke min konto op, men det returnerede alle mine penge. Meget taknemmelig for dette fællesskab.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I'm glad it turned out like this in the end. It's certainly nice when you get your funds back, but if your account is closed, you might save yourself some more worries in the future and you can choose another casino. 

Either way, I'm glad we were able to help you and you're happy. I wish you the best of luck in your next casino choice and may you do well. 🙂

8 måneder siden

I made an account at this casino for the first time, deposited and right then and there my account got deleted and my money robbed!! they ask for verification but the site never uploads the files it sends error everytime you try and they have stopped replying to my emails, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS CASINO?! you don't just do that that is literally robbing!!! I JUST WANT MY DEPOSIT BACK AT THIS POINT!!!!

8 måneder siden

Hi, I'm sorry for the situation you're in. Let me ask you few questions. Did the casino tell you why they blocked your account? Did you also contact support when you couldn't upload documents for verification and did they answer you or just started ignoring you ? 

I think you will find this thread informative so try to have a look: https://casino.guru/forum/casinos/execution-pokerstars--apparently--payment-is-not-voluntary

I'll be waiting for your reply.

8 måneder siden

they want documents i cant provide because for some reason their casino put a name is not mine in my account, all this and they cant just give me a refund? its ridiculous

8 måneder siden

What documents does the casino want that you cannot provide ? Am I correct in understanding that your account is in a different name than your own ? Did you ask if there is anything you can do to fix it ? 

8 måneder siden

when I registered it asked ONLY for my birthdate username and password, I do not know why my name appeared to be my moms, she passed away months ago may she rest in peace and they are asking me for ridiculous papers I DO NOT HAVE BECAUSE SHE DIDNT LEFT THAT PAPER THEY ARE ASKING FOR!!!! I sent all the other documents, they even asked for my moms death certificate I SENT IT!!! they are asking for this paper my mom didnt left any she passed unexpectedly!!! what is wrong with this casinos honestly? this is ridiculous! they dont understand that my birthdate is MY BIRTHDATE not my moms!!! I swear they do all this on purpose AND THEY ALREADY DELETED MY ACCOUNT I DONT KNOW WHY so I don't think I can do anything about changing the name?

why is it so hard to just give you a refund of YOUR MONEY, just sent it back from where it came thats it! they dont need to be causing this much trouble! and they shouldnt just close your account after a deposit that is NOT RIGHT!!

8 måneder siden

So it seems absolutely strange to me if you didn't enter any other personal information except the date of birth. The way you describe it, it looks as if it assigned your account to your mom. Did she have an account there as well ? 

However, I don't think this is right because you should enter such things manually so that you can then verify with your documents and not someone else's. 

So it was the appropriate step to file a complaint and our team will try to help you. Of course, be sure to mention all this information to Kristina, who is currently in charge of your case. 

I thought it shouldn't be too difficult, but since you had nothing on your account except your date of birth, I'm curious to see how it turns out. 

Let me know if anything changes. 

8 måneder siden

hello, I know it is very strange all the casinos I've played at you enter your name I don't understand why it would automatically set it to someone elses? I don't think my mom had any accounts with them either I just don't know what happened or why they closed my account right after deposit... thank you for your help!

8 måneder siden

Submitting the complaint was the best you could do, and I'm more than convinced that after the initial information collection is over, the casino will be asked to explain their actions.

Sooner or later, we will be able to put the speculations aside and focus on the more specific information.

Try to hold on, the Team is working on it.

8 måneder siden

They gave no explanation as to why they closed the account in the first place either. Thank you for helping me.

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