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Spicy Jackpots casino

 af Smurfin123
4.086 visninger 30 svar |
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I'm curious to know if anyone has had successful cash outs from Spicy Jackpot Casino? I've been waiting since Augudt 22nd and there has been zero progress on my cash out and it's to the point now that live chat support there end the conversation before even answering my questions.

Pretty disgusting behaviour in my opinion since I'm a repeat depositor.

Watch out everyone Spicy Jackpots have created a new casino called Spinland. They sent my me an email that read as spicy jackpots even though I blocked them and then it takes you this new site. I can’t even log in to spicy jackpots anymore just loads as various other corrupt websites of theirs. Been due £ 778 since 01/10/2023 

Do not play on any of these casinos 


Hi, I saw that you also had a complaint that was closed as unresolved with this casino, which I'm sorry to read, so I understand that you probably don't have the best memories of it. 

However, as for the other casino, it looks a bit better, although it's not great either. But I haven't seen that they are somehow related. Anyway, thanks for the information, it might be useful for other players as well. 👍



Yes sorry just realised there is another Spinland which has Disney time writing as their logo. They have better reviews.

This is a picture of the email I received from Spicy Jackpots casino when you click on it it actually comes up with Spinland.Bet


Thanks, I have delivered this information to our data team, so let's see if they find something interesting and when they do I will let you know what I found out. 

However, I assume you haven't used this option, i mean a bonus, in case there is the same problem as in the case of Spicy Jackpots casino ? 

Hej. Hvorfor står der på din hjemmeside, at kasinoet er lukket? I det mindste fungerer deres hjemmeside normalt for mig, og i går besvarede de stadig min e-mail.

Jeg har stadig en udbetaling foretaget den 30. juni 2023 åben, de har ikke betalt! Udbetalingen blev returneret 3 gange tilbage til min spilkonto, og jeg har altid foretaget en ny udbetaling.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Could you post the URL of the casino, please, so we can be able to try that out? Or even a screenshot of the site when you open it.

Unfortunately, this casino wasn't communicating with our team even before, so we could not help with any of the complaints.🤷‍♀️

Hej, jeg prøver at sende et skærmbillede senere, men nu kan jeg ikke.

Automatisk oversættelse:

No worries, and thank you for your cooperation.


Thank you for the screenshot file

Now I will pass this information on to our data team.


My withdrawal is cancelled again. I've been waiting since August last year and this is 3 attempts. Emails are blatantly ignored, chat option has vanished yet they still send promotional emails to me.

All this drama for a mere $100.

Just discovered if I use VPN the chat bubble reappears. Wierd.

Thank you for the screenshot file

Now I will pass this information on to our data team.

So, the casino is open now, as you can see here 👈. It doesn't look very promising, though.🤷‍♀️ Let's see how it goes from now on.


My withdrawal is cancelled again. I've been waiting since August last year and this is 3 attempts. Emails are blatantly ignored, chat option has vanished yet they still send promotional emails to me.

All this drama for a mere $100.

Just discovered if I use VPN the chat bubble reappears. Wierd.

This is a really long-standing issue, as I can see. Unfortunately, we cannot do much to help you out. Have a look:


I reckon it would be best to move to a safer casino. Don't you think?🤷‍♀️


Hej, casinoet ændrer næppe noget, men nu kan du med din søgefunktion se, at ingen ved et uheld sætter deres penge der længere!

Jeg ved, at jeg ikke får mine penge derfra, men jeg minder dem stadig jævnligt om deres kriminelle aktiviteter!

Automatisk oversættelse:

All our teams work together to ensure the Security Indexes fit, so at least players seeking information will find them. It's sad though, because I feel you are quite right about this casino.

Yeah nah I just played away the credit and refuse to even go to that website again ever. I just hate that I even gave any money to these thieves in the first place.

They really need to stop ripping people off and be held accountable for their crimes.


I'm sorry you spent your money in a casino like this, because it's certainly not pleasant. 

However, even such situations are good for something and players will learn a lesson and then they will be more careful what casino they give their money to. 

So I hope it was a good lesson for you too, and from that moment on you are more cautious. 😕


Desværre lavede jeg ikke ordentlig research før jeg tilmeldte mig og læste derfor ikke indlæggene. Jeg var i stand til at lave et par gevinster i Evolution Gaming live casinoet, og den 19. december foretog jeg en hævning på 575 euro (alt dokumenteret). Livechatten bruger AI, så forsøg på at kontakte dem kommer til ingenting.

Jeg stolede på det gode tilbud: Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Play, sportsvæddemål og så videre. Og også forskellige betalingsmuligheder.

Selvfølgelig vil de ikke være i stand til at hjælpe! Men nu kommer min kritik og et forslag til forbedring. Du kunne have beskyttet nogle spillere fra kasinoet efter den første klage. Jeg gjorde dette ved at sende en e-mail til Evolution Gaming ( ). Jeg modtog ikke et svar fra Evolution, men kort efter min e-mail blev tilbuddet på Spicy Jackpot-siden drastisk reduceret. Du kan ikke længere finde denne eller nogen anden udbyder. Du bør også bruge denne tilgang med tvivlsomme casinoer i fremtiden.

For mig er problemet endelig forbi. Juridisk set kan Evolution Gaming ikke have begået en lovovertrædelse. Men moralsk har den det, og så er den sidste smule tillid nu væk.

Jeg kommer til at spare en helvedes masse penge, så jeg betragter de 575 euro som en lille investering.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what the issue is with your withdrawal, though. 🤷‍♀️

Does it mean that you were not able to receive the money? What is the reason, though?

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