HjemForumKlagesagerWunderino Big Win-udbetaling er i gang i 17 dage

Wunderino Big Win-udbetaling er i gang i 17 dage

3 år siden af htuking
3.550 visninger 7 svar |
3 år siden

Hej allesammen,

Jeg har spillet online slots med forskellige udbydere i lang tid uden problemer.

For 16 dage siden vandt jeg € 59.300 på Razhor Shark 1000-mønt på € 50 + gratis spins.

Jeg har ventet i 16 dage nu. Mine udbetalinger behandles stadig, og live chat indikerer altid, at feedback eller bekræftelse fra spiludbyderen stadig forventes. Jeg er fuldstændig verificeret og har allerede betalt € 6800 og € 3000 der uden problemer.

Tror du, det er sandt, eller ved nogen, hvor længe dette kan forsinkes osv.?

Jeg har aldrig haft så mange penge, og jeg er virkelig bange for, at jeg ikke får det.

mange hilsner

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

First of all, Wunderino is licensed in Malta, which is always the better option in terms of dealing with the licensing authority so simply said - the casino can't do whatever they want.

You won almost 60k, which is considerably high amount. I'm quite sure that players in Wunderino don't win such amounts every day. That's why they need to give you special attention. Maybe they wanted to be 100% sure that you game history is alright so they contacted the game provider and asked them to check it. According to my experience, dealing with game providers regarding similar issues can be very slow (the same applies to certain payment providers). Simply said, it's actually possible that the casino is still waiting for a reply from the game provider.

3 år siden

Hej Daniel, tak for din feedback. Det beroliger mig lidt. Jeg ved bare ikke nøjagtigt, hvor længe jeg giver wunderino-tid, jeg vil ikke irritere livechatten hvert par dage.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

Honestly, if I was in your situation, I'd probably contact them every 4 days and I'd probably rather use email instead of live chat. If you contact them via email, you'll have to wait for the response longer, but you'll also give them more time to contact the provider and check the current state of your case. Anyway, if you don't get any info after 30 days, I'd probably consider submitting a complaint on our website so we could possibly try to help with speeding up the process.

I just hope that you were aware of the bonus terms and conditions since you were also playing with some free spins according to what you say.

3 år siden

Hej Daniel, ja, håndfri opkald er en regelmæssig funktion på razorshark ... men jeg har lige modtaget positiv feedback. De første 10.000 € er netop blevet overført til bankoverførslen, og resten overføres nu dagligt, fordi wunderino kun ankommer maksimalt 10.000 om dagen. heldig 🙂

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

Cool! Cograts, I'm happy for you. It's a very nice winning you got there. Just make sure you don't lose it all 🙂

3 måneder siden

Bosh hey du skræmmer mig... Jeg vandt kun 800 i forgårs... ok med en indsats på 25 euro, det er ret godt... men siden da kan jeg ikke spille eller hæve... alt bekræftet og nej problemer... nu pludselig blokeret i 24 timer og kan kun indbetale... det ville være ok, men ingen hævning... De siger, at det bliver tjekket, og jeg skal være tålmodig

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 måneder siden

In that case, I would remain patient until the check goes through. You saw that even the player you wrote off did well and the amount he won was much bigger. 

Sometimes casinos do such checks, but as long as everything was fine on your side, you have nothing to worry about. 

Of course, if there's a problem, feel free to write and we'll try to help if we can. 🙂

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