HjemForumKonkurrencer[CLOSED] “The best casino” competition for iPhone 13!

[CLOSED] “The best casino” competition for iPhone 13! (side 21)

2 år siden af Daniel
247.569 visninger 754 svar |
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2 år siden


2 år siden

And why is that? 🙂 Answer for the second ticket. 😉

2 år siden

tak fordi jeg fik lov til at deltage. Jeg anbefaler online casino spil. de betaler godt

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden


Frankly, the questions are quite different - please try again 🤔:

What’s your most favourite online casino? What do you like about the casino? 😉

2 år siden

Brave Casino

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Hello there.

Kindly share the casino's link. 🙂 It would also be nice if you answer the second question as well. 😉

Two questions - Two tickets!

2 år siden

Bonus velkommen

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2 år siden


if you like to join our competition, I ask you kindly to answer those questions:

What’s your most favourite online casino? What do you like about the casino? 😉

2 år siden

Jeg kan godt lide at satse på pixbet

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2 år siden


can you share the casino's link, please? Feel free to answer the second question as well. 😉

2 år siden

Mit yndlingskasino er guru

For sine tilbud, bonusser og gratis spins

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden


and what Guru would that be? 🙂

Just keep in mind, that we are not a casino.

2 år siden

Sophia Tzafolia

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden


The questions are: What’s your most favourite online casino? What do you like about the casino?


2 år siden

Thank very much

2 år siden

very good slelection of slots

lots of bonus offers and fair payouts

2 år siden

Q: What is my favourite online casino?

A: Wilderino Casino

Q: What do I like about it?

A: bonus deposit start from $5.

Every deposit made the following week you get 50 free spins. 👌

2 år siden


2 år siden

Mit yndlings online casino er 22bet. Masser af spil at vælge imellem, øjeblikkelig udbetaling af gevinster og optjening af point for de penge du har spillet, som du så kan bruge til at købe gratis spins, hvor du kan få dine penge tilbage.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

My opinion on my favorite Online casino is hard question,there is a lot of good and great ones out there so I'm not taking away from anyone who put their hard work and dedication into making an online casino,you did a great job but my favorite is SPIN OASIS.

Now let me tell you why ,I have played almost every casino there is that is available to the Missouri, USA where I live and I've sunk a bunch of money into them if you added all of the casino deposits that I've made ,it's way into the thousands,I'm scared to even add it up cause I went on a losing streak there for awhile but that was until I took a $50 free chip from Spin Oasis and the playthrough was not big at all ,I think it was x25 which is a lot better than the average x40 or x45 n I did everything that it said fir me to do and it said I would have to make a deposit in order to cash out n withdraw which is understandable,every casino dies that and I made a 20 dollar deposit and now before I tell you what they did let me go on and tell you that I have been through this with so many casinos and they have always said oh well you did this or you did that or some kind of reason why I cannot cash out even though I kept my bet under 10 or under 5 or whatever ridiculous stipulation they had on cashing out I did it but they always found a reason why not to give me my money why I kept on playing it's because I enjoy casinos I enjoy gambling I have it quite the addiction but it was the first and a long time I've been playing online casinos for about 3 years like I have lost a lot of money I've won a little bit but this was the first one that actually did what they said they were going to do and I did the playthrough did it $20 deposit and boom $75 was in Bitcoin was getting given to me or sent to my coin base card they said 7 to 10 business days it was there in 3 I was very happy with the customer service with the fast payout and how easy it was to get the play through and the slots were very loose I have since that time made three or four other deposits in that casino now I'm granting out and trying to find more because some people like to just vanilla ice cream I like to eat the variety I want to eat cookie dough I want to eat vanilla I want to eat chocolate I don't eat strawberries so I want to try different casinos I've tried every one of them but I want to actually deposit money and win money you know I'm saying so yeah that is why that is my favorite casino and it always will be because it was the first one that showed me love and gave a little money back to me thank you for listening this and thank you for your time and you have a nice day and I hope every one of you running to a casino like this and they show you love to.

2 år siden

Fantastiske konkurrenceguruer! Mit valg ville være https://wildbet.io/

spil her lige nu, og ind- og udbetalingen er superhurtig med kryptovalutaer

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

I do prefer Holywood bets online casino "Hot Hot fruit" You win some you lose some the winning day are better days "I don't like the fact that you putting in alot and lose more " and the internet can messarojnd with the slots running ability and result in losses but wins to but I enjoy It!

2 år siden

Jeg besøger siden ugentligt, jeg har allerede testet de fleste af de tilgængelige kasinoer i mit land! Der er nogle meget gode, hvis du leder efter casinoer med gratis spins uden indskud, var det bedste for mig Tusk and Ice Casino! Men generelt var et casino, der bedst levede op til mine forventninger til både udbetaling og fair bonusbetingelser, Léo Vegas, han var det bedste for mig, fordi de gratis spins er meget attraktive, casinoet har altid en kampagne eller turnering, udbetalingen på platformen er hurtig og sikker for mig indtil videre, det var det bedste, jeg leder efter på et kasino! Og selvfølgelig var tippet her fra guruen!

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Mit yndlings onlinekasino


Nationalt kasino

På trods af indledende vanskeligheder med de første betalinger

Kasinoet scorer nu med hurtige overførsler

Inden for en dag var beløbet på min bankkonto og ved normal bankoverførsel

Top 👍

Derudover scorer casinoet med flere gratis spins, når jeg spørger

hatten af


Bliv ved

Hurtige og ukomplicerede overførsler og nej

5 sekunders kundereglen er alt og alt for en kunde.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 år siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Good Thrwad 4me the pick the best casinos 😁

The most casino bonus sites are not straight up... I think.. because they get payed 4 give good reviews

Casino Favs:



2 år siden

1. Favorite online casino I would say Winbet.

2. This is the first online casino I have registered with. I like the selection of games and the fast payouts. Live chat has solved every case fairly accurately and quickly.

2 år siden

Hi everyone! 🙂


Let me introduce you our newest summer competition that everyone can join for free! We’d like to ask you exactly the same questions as 1 year ago.


The questions are: What’s your most favourite online casino? What do you like about the casino?


We know that many people like to experiment when it comes to online casinos so we’d like to know if your preferences changed or not.


The prize

We play for 1x iPhone 13 (colour of your choice)



How to win?

Everyone has the same chance to get 2 tickets into the final raffle. You get a ticket when you answer the question here in the forum thread: "What’s your most favourite online casino?" and you get another one when you tell us "What do you like about the casino?"

(you can even name more casinos if you’re not sure about the best one, but you get only maximum of 2 tickets for your answer)


How are we going to choose the winner?

Since there's no right or wrong answer, one of you will be randomly chosen on 1.9. 2022.


Good luck!

2 år siden

Parimach har mange slots og en hurtig tilbagetrækning af økonomi, selvfølgelig er der sider, men hvor er de ikke ʘ‿ʘ

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