HjemForumMeningsmålingerWhat's your favorite aspect of online poker?

What's your favorite aspect of online poker?

 af JasmineSmith
13.505 visninger 30 svar |
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  1. Strategy and skill
  2. Social interaction
  3. Winning money
  4. Entertainment and relaxation
  5. Other (please specify)

Probably 2. I liked the feeling of playing against humans instead of a computer and random number generator.

The speed you can play with the computer dealing the cards so its fast and steady pace to play


It's point 5. isn't it? 🙂

Interesting opinion, by the way. Thank you for sharing. Do you have any concrete negative experiences with some mobile casino apps, perhaps? 🤔


I don't quite understand your question but I would so not really.


I made a guess based on the starting post's content:


Point five, seemed like a logical vote since you did not match any other. 🙂

Social interaction is the most important aspect. Second place goes to prize money.

Well, thank you, guys, for answering my question.

My favorite is social interaction

Redigeret af forfatter

Social interaction is the most important aspect. Second place goes to prize money.

I think that's what it would be like for me if I played poker. The social interaction would be the most important thing for me and certainly the money if I managed to win. Anyway, do you play any poker tournaments ? 


While I haven't played in any poker tournaments recently, I do appreciate the blend of strategy and camaraderie it offers. It can be a great way to connect with friends or even make new ones, not to mention the thrill of potentially winning some money. Have you had any exciting experiences in poker tournaments yourself?"


I don't play poker because I don't know how to play it. But of course I agree that it's definitely fun to play it with friends, because I used to love watching my friends. When everyone bid a small amount of money that was ultimately played for, it added to the thrill and made it very interesting. 

But do you play with friends or have you managed to make some new ones through poker? Do you play online or in person ? 

I don't play poker because I don't know how to play it. But of course I agree that it's definitely fun to play it with friends, because I used to love watching my friends. When everyone bid a small amount of money that was ultimately played for, it added to the thrill and made it very interesting. 

But do you play with friends or have you managed to make some new ones through poker? Do you play online or in person ? 

"I completely understand where you're coming from! Poker can be a bit intimidating when you're not familiar with the rules and strategies. While I don't play poker regularly, I've always found it intriguing. Watching friends play can be incredibly entertaining, just like you mentioned. The suspense of those small bets adding up and creating excitement is something I can relate to.

As for my own poker experiences, I've dabbled in it a bit. I've played with friends in casual settings a few times, and it's been a blast. It's a great way to bond and have fun with friends. I've also tried my hand at online poker, and it's a convenient way to play and learn the game, especially when schedules don't align for in-person games.

Have you had any memorable experiences playing poker with your friends? I'd love to hear more about your own poker adventures!"

Hastigheden og friheden ved online poker er stor. Jeg kan til enhver tid starte en applikation på min telefon, spille et stykke tid og så stå op og gå og lave noget ordentligt.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hastigheden og friheden ved online poker er stor. Jeg kan til enhver tid starte en applikation på min telefon, spille et stykke tid og så stå op og gå og lave noget ordentligt.

Automatisk oversættelse:

"I Completely agree with you! Online poker does offer a lot of convenience, allowing you to play at your own pace and fit it into your schedule. It's great to have that flexibility. Everyone has their hobbies and interests, and it's wonderful that you enjoy it."

Redigeret af forfatter

Hastigheden og friheden ved online poker er stor. Jeg kan til enhver tid starte en applikation på min telefon, spille et stykke tid og så stå op og gå og lave noget ordentligt.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Selvom jeg ikke spiller poker, er det ret logisk, og jeg tænkte slet ikke over det. Vænner du dig til at gøre det, som du beskriver? Kan du lide poker? 🙂

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg kan godt lide poker, men jeg er bestemt ikke en professionel pokerspiller. Online er fint i et stykke tid, men det bedste er med venner et sted over en øl.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ja, præcis, derfor tror jeg, at interaktion ville være mest for mig, for du vil have det godt. Du er ikke en professionel spiller, men jeg kan slet ikke spille det, så det er fedt. Du er altid et skridt foran huset.😀

Vænner du dig til at spille for en eller anden bank med dine venner?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Der er altid noget at spille for! Det tager længere tid, men det er så meget desto mere interessant!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Derfor spurgte jeg, for når mine venner nogle gange spiller, og jeg ser, er det for sjov. Og når der spilles noget, giver alle kun et ubetydeligt beløb, f.eks. 5 euro. Det fryser ingen og det giver sådan en krigerstemning hehe. 😀

Automatisk oversættelse:

I really enjoy online poker because it allows me to be fully immersed in the game without any distractions. In contrast, while I've played a fair amount of live poker, I often find the prolonged table talk and off-topic chatter not to my liking. It's not necessarily the people; it's just the environment. Online, I can simultaneously enjoy some sports betting as I watch the games, adding a layer of excitement without any external distractions. Guess I just prefer the solitude of online play!

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