Jeg har spillet slots i 5 år nu som FAKTA!! Det er ikke en RNG, der styrer slots, det er en algoritme, der 1 forhindrer dig i at vinde for meget, og 2 endnu mere uhyggelig er det faktum, at når du når en bestemt total, ændrer algoritmen RTP'en så lav, at alt du får er døde spins og elendig bonusser, hvis du overhovedet får nogen. Jeg kunne vise dig min spillehistorie fra den seneste måned for at bevise, at det er et FAKTA, hvad jeg siger. Så pas på, at chancerne er for dig, medmindre meget heldige bliver snydt!!😡😡😡😡
I have been playing slots for 5yrs now as FACT!! It is not a RNG that controls slots it is an algorithm that 1 prevents you from winning to much and 2 even more sinister is the FACT that when you reach a certain total the algorithm changes the RTP so low all you get is dead spins and lousy bonuses if you get any at all. I could show you my playing history from the past month to prove it is a FACT what I’m saying. So beware that the chances are you unless very lucky are being SCAMMED!!😡😡😡😡