ForumSpillemaskinerSweet Bonanza 1000 – generel debat

Sweet Bonanza 1000 – generel debat (side 5)

3 måneder siden af naitsab82
6274 visninger 99 svar |
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2 uger siden

This is not lucky anymore. This is litterly only let streamers win high and the normal players littlerly giving money with no chance. 3 months in a row with 700 bonus buys from 20 till 100 euro a piece with not 1! Good price. Losst more then 10.000 euro and after today even 10.250 euro. Come on i don't understand how you keep protecting them. I send proof of al my bets in 3 months and you keep coming with luck this and that. 96rtp yeh right!

2 uger siden

file and AGAIN! Ten and tens bonus bought with 0 good prices and then bought 500 normal rounds with 0 bonusses!

1 uge siden

I believe that we don't protect anyone, to tell you the truth.🤷‍♀️

It is purely based on luck when it comes to the casino game and nothing else.

Of course, whenever you have some kind of proof that can be shown where some irregularities happen, do not hesitate to come forward.

1 uge siden

I send enough proof in my opinion that it's rigged. Every bet of different casino's starting from the 8th of juni till the 8th of august. Hundreds of bets (bonus buys) with thousands of euro's played and litterly not 1 price even higher then 100 euro. Where is the RTP of 96 % you mentioned based on?

1 uge siden

May I ask who you refer to, though?

Here you can play the game for free only, but if you play it at some online casino, have you tried to contact them regarding your suspicion?🤔

1 uge siden

I contacted them more then 10 times with 0 replies. Also tried to file a complain but it's not possible on your side because you can only complain towards casino and not towards game providers.

1 uge siden

Reading this thread is so painful.

I really feel for you my friend but please "cut your losses" right now and move on. You are angry with this stupid game and in "tilt" mode, where we gamblers lose all sense of rationality.

Rigged, not rigged, whatever, you'll never get an answer, and I think it's just that this is a super high variance game and you're experiencing the downside. Someone somewhere else will have spun a few times and won. Sickening but RTP isn't "personal to you" unless you literally make billions of spins. Not hundreds or thousands or even hundreds-of-thousands.

Sometimes a particular game just craps on you forever and this one is yours. Be the final winner over its stupid tricks and walk away now before you lose another 2000 or 10,000 euro.

Good wishes to you

1 uge siden

I contacted them more then 10 times with 0 replies. Also tried to file a complain but it's not possible on your side because you can only complain towards casino and not towards game providers.

1 uge siden

If you wish, try to file a complaint and explain everything to our team. Then they will decide if there is any chance we could help you. You have nothing to lose, right?

1 uge siden

How can i process that?

1 uge siden

Yeh, i'm done. I'm now already on 10.500 in not even 3 full months. Part of the game but this goes way too far in my opinion. Thanks anyway for your message.

1 uge siden

How can i process that?

1 uge siden

May I ask at which casino did you experience this issue with this game, please?

Only if it was in some online casino with the real balance our complaint team will be able to get involved.

Also, please try to write from one account, as it gets really confusing when you use another one and write about the same issue.🤷‍♀️

We'll wait for your reply.

1 uge siden

May I ask at which casino did you experience this issue with this game, please?

Only if it was in some online casino with the real balance our complaint team will be able to get involved.

Also, please try to write from one account, as it gets really confusing when you use another one and write about the same issue.🤷‍♀️

We'll wait for your reply.

1 uge siden

I will use this account. The case happened in more then 5 - 8 different casino's with real balances.

But my complained is towards Pragmatic Play and not the casino's to be honest.

1 uge siden

I will use this account. The case happened in more then 5 - 8 different casino's with real balances.

But my complained is towards Pragmatic Play and not the casino's to be honest.

1 uge siden

So in this case, I would suggest you contact the Pragmatic Play directly. Have you tried that already?

1 uge siden

So in this case, I would suggest you contact the Pragmatic Play directly. Have you tried that already?

1 uge siden

I litterly did that more then 10 times on their site, different playforms but with 0 reply.

1 uge siden

I am sorry that we couldn't be of any more help in this case and that the provider did not answer at all.

1 uge siden

Kære Sir. Lad en meget erfaren spiller og en, der forstår online casino og alle spil fortælle dig noget.

Jeg er en tidligere croupier, en der har arbejdet i mange år i spilleindustrien. I dag er jeg meget aktiv i onlineverdenen, men som spiller og ikke som arbejder.

Alle de spilleautomater, og der er en million af dem, er NØJAGTIG DE SAMME.

Lad dig ikke rive med af tanken om, at det ene er bedre end det andet. Det er lige meget om det hedder BONANZA eller jeg ved ikke engang hvad det er. ALLE ARBEJDER PÅ SAMME SYSTEM.

Og alle spilleautomater arbejder på en procentdel... og et stort antal mennesker spiller slots på grund af de jackpots, der tiltrækker millioner af spillere.


Det er sat op.

De fleste spiller spilleautomater og MÅ IKKE TÆNKE PÅ ROULETTE, fordi de er overbeviste om, at roulette er et "farligt spil".

Og faktisk er det anderledes.


Hvorfor er det tilladt i ALLE BONUSSER, som casinoet giver til spillere, at bonussen KUN kan spilles på spilleautomater. AT SPILLE PÅ ROULETTE TAGES ALDRIG I BEHANDLING.

For eksempel: Du får en bonus på 100 euro.

Men for at forvandle den bonus til rigtige penge, skal du spille den 15x...eller 25x..eller 40x (afhængigt af casinoet).

For eksempel modtog du 100 euro, men du SKAL spille bonussen x 15...så du skal investere i alt 1.500 euro

(100 x 15) = 1.500 og én "lille tilstand"

Kun at spille spilleautomater tæller for at spille bonussen. ROULETTE NR 😉



Og på spilleautomater KAN den IKKE. Du kan simpelthen ikke vinde den bonus.

Hvis du virkelig vil tjene penge, så spil roulette først. Så Black Jack.


Kasinoer live fra spilleautomater.

Og ikke fra roulette, som de fleste tror.

Fordi når du spiller et slotspil, et hvilket som helst spil. Du spiller ALENE mod det spil.

DU MOD SOFTWAREN. Du har ingen chance.

ABSOLUT INTET AFHÆNGER AF DIG MEN AF PROGRAMMET. Man trykker bare på en knap og håber, at nogle figurer stiller op der, og man ved ikke engang, hvad der skal ske.

Hos ROULETTE spiller du ikke kun DIG, men hundredvis af os spillere mod ét roulettehjul. Han kan ikke vælge.

Du har tusindvis af kombinationer på spilleautomaten. Du har 37 numre på roulette

Og en af dem skal falde.

Nyd og glem alt om spilleautomater.

Spil brætspil...

Redigeret af forfatter 1 uge siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 uge siden

Min kære ven.

Hvis du sætter 5.000 euro på din konto og spiller roulette hver dag i et par sessioner på 15 minutter til 30 minutter.

I hver vinder session ville jeg give 150 euro. Intet problem.

Det garanterer jeg dig.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 dage siden

Had a week off and tried and AGAIN same outcome. How can i file a complained against Pragmatic Play.

This is not fun anymore 3 straight months same outcome everytime. That has nothing to do with gambling and if you see trustpilot the comments in the last 3 months are litterly the same so it's 100% a scam.

15 bonus rounds and lost 14.


2 dage siden

Hej makker. Har du læst hvad jeg skrev til dig?!?

Eller du prøver at spille Don Quixote

Jeg forstår det ikke

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 dage siden

Hvordan kan jeg indgive en klage til Pragmatic Play?


Vær ikke dum!

Hvis det var muligt, ville alle spille, så hvis vi taber, så lad os klage, og hvis vi vinder, så er det vores.

Ja, hvorfor ikke.

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