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YouTube slot players

1 år siden af PookieNumNums
2.766 visninger 8 svar |
1 år siden

I have been very very skeptical about some of these major YouTube slot players. I can’t help feel that the casinos crank the win % for the specific game they play for publicity. They are not going to let someone film with thousands of people watching and they win nothing.

do you think it’s possible some of these jackpots and big wins are staged?

1 år siden

Hi, I'm not sure if I can answer your question exactly, but from my experience, which I had, I can say that the streamer I used to watch didn't have an advantage over the other players. 

Of course, this may not be the case for everyone, so maybe there are those who have it adjusted. 

Who do you watch and do you think his winning percentage is modified ? Which games do you observe this most often ?

1 år siden

Jeg forstår din bekymring, ven. Jeg har også spurgt mig selv om dette. Det er et godt spørgsmål. Kasinoer er ofte underlagt regler og revisioner for at sikre spillets integritet. Men spillets natur involverer også en portion held. Hvis du vil udforske mere om kasinoer og spil, så tag et kig på pålidelige oplysninger som dem, der tilbydes på https://spacemans.com.br. Dette kan hjælpe dig til bedre at forstå scenariet.

Redigeret af Jaro 1 år siden
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1 år siden

Hi, I would like to point out that links of this type are not allowed on the forum. 

Nevertheless, do you have any experience in this topic ? Have you come across something similar, since it's a great question for you ?

1 år siden

Det er rigtigt, at videoer med episke gevinster kan få casinospillet til at virke mere attraktivt, end det i virkeligheden er, hvilket kunne være en markedsføringstaktik.

Det er teoretisk muligt, at visse videoer kan manipuleres eller iscenesættes på en eller anden måde for at vise en højere gevinstrate. Dette ville dog være ulovligt i mange jurisdiktioner og kunne føre til alvorlige sanktioner for både kasinoet og spilleren. Desuden ville kasinoets omdømme blive alvorligt skadet, hvis det opdages, at de har manipuleret spil i reklameøjemed.

Gennemsigtighed og integritet er grundlæggende for driften af online og landbaserede kasinoer, og disse virksomheder er ofte underlagt strenge regler for at sikre fair spil. Derfor, selvom der altid er mulighed for uetiske aktiviteter, er der stærke incitamenter for kasinoer til at fungere retfærdigt.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

From what I've learned so far, even an honest streamer needs to attract or entertain the audience. That's naturally a part of becoming famous in the "industry". There are at least a few ways to achieve that without actually cheating.

Creating highlights!

Just put as many bigger winning sessions as you have previously captured into one big winning show. Watching big wins being hit constantly truly evokes an impression quite different from the daily reality....

Safe bonus feature spins!

Some games allow you to save your progress for later. Just aim to collect as many open bonus sessions on those games and stream the spinning live. Again, the impression is great, right?

Buy bonus features!

Quite similar to the previous point, only the bonus features are simply pre-purchased because they usually alter the volatility and may result in greater winnings.

It's tempting to watch such streams, thus we should always focus on the background. 🤔

1 år siden

I highly doubt it, if you watch a lot of Kick streamers daily, you'll see they also lose a tonne of money majority of the time

1 år siden


I think it would be good to use the reply button allowing us all to understand the context. 🙂

Also, mind the rules for posting Discord links - this is forbidden.

"Only the official casino links are allowed, do not insert hidden or shorted links (altered by a third party tool e.g. Bitly). Also, do not link Telegram."

May I also remind you that we are waiting for your casino representative's confirmation?

Kindly respond to community@casino.guru

Thank you for your cooperation and for abiding by the rules.

1 år siden

Call me crazy, but I think I prefer to see their "reaction videos" of losing than winning. Their "loser" reaction might be more enjoyable than the "winner" reaction.

I mean, whether they lose or win at the game, they still get a lot of Youtube views, and views = money.

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden

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