Så for det første ser jeg, at fejlen siger 'uden for gas':
Kan du venligst præcisere dette? Fordi GAS normalt betales af ejeren af tegnebogen, der sender transaktionen, ikke af den, der modtager den, derfor ser det ud til, at transaktionerne mislykkedes på casinoets side.
Hvad angår påstandene om at have duplikerede konti, er det desuden vigtigt at nævne, at de fremlagte beviser er utilstrækkelige. Så vidt jeg kan se, var identifikationen af den anden konto baseret på IP-adressen. Desværre er denne sammenhæng ikke væsentlig nok til at konkludere, at begge konti blev oprettet og brugt af den samme person.
Kan du give flere beviser for at bekræfte, at begge konti er oprettet af den samme person?
So firstly, I see that the error says 'out of gas':
Could you please clarify this? Because GAS is usually paid by the owner of the wallet who sends the transaction, not by the one who receives it, therefore it seems that the transactions failed on the casino's side.
Furthermore, concerning the allegations of having duplicate accounts, it is important to mention that the evidence presented is insufficient. As far as I can tell, the identification of the other account was based on the IP address. Regrettably, this correlation is not substantial enough to conclude that both accounts were created and used by the same individual.
Could you please provide more evidence to confirm that both accounts were created by the same person?
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