Honzik884, vi har været i kontakt med casinoet og modtaget flere detaljer vedrørende din sag samt samtalen mellem dig og casinoet. Du bad kasinoet mange gange tidligere om at lukke din konto for senere at åbne en anden. Dette skete også natten til turneringen - du bad casinoet om at lukke din konto, mens turneringen stadig kørte, i stedet for at vente på resultatet og derefter bede om kontolukning.
Så var du vred på støtten til at honorere din anmodning om kontolukning, og casinoet var så venligt at lade dig åbne en anden konto (som i øvrigt er forbudt af langt de fleste online casinoer), hvorefter du endda fik en bonus som en goodwill gestus for misforståelsen.
Desuden bombarderede du konstant supporten og krævede og modtog en masse bonusser, som du accepterede som kompensation for turneringsgevinster , der ikke kunne krediteres, fordi du lukkede din tidligere konto .
Jeg beklager, men i dette tilfælde er der ikke meget mere, vi kunne gøre for dig, da du accepterede kompensationen i form af bonusser. Jeg kan kun anbefale, at du stopper med at lukke og oprette konti for at undgå lignende situationer i fremtiden eller helt stopper med at spille på dette casino.
Efter at have indsamlet alle de nødvendige oplysninger er vi desværre tvunget til at afvise denne klage. Beklager, at vi ikke var i stand til at hjælpe dig med denne, men tøv ikke med at kontakte os i fremtiden, hvis du støder på problemer med dette eller et andet casino, og vi vil gøre vores bedste for at hjælpe.
Honzik884, we have been in contact with the casino and received more details regarding your case as well as the conversation between you and the casino. You asked the casino many times in the past to close your account just to later open another one. This also happened the night of the tournament - you asked the casino to close your account while the tournament was still running instead of waiting for the result and then asking for account closure.
Then you were angry at the support for honoring your request for account closure and the casino was kind enough to let you open another account (which, by the way, is prohibited by the vast majority of online casinos) after which you were even given a bonus as a goodwill gesture for the misunderstanding.
Furthermore, you constantly bombarded the support and demanded and received a lot of bonuses which you accepted as compensation for the tournament winnings that couldn't be credited because you closed your previous account.
I am sorry, but in this case there is not much more we could do for you since you accepted the compensation in a form of bonuses. I can only recommend that you stop closing and creating accounts to avoid similar situations in the future or stop playing at this casino altogether.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are forced to reject this complaint. Sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino and we will try our best to help.
Automatisk oversættelse:![](https://static.casino.guru/res/202502141249/images/svg/translated-by-google.svg)